By having a U.S. Greens Abroad group, Americans living abroad can become actively involved with both the U.S. Greens and the worldwide Green movement. The USGA has the following specific purposes:

1. To support the work of Greens and Green-like organizations in the United States by: (a) participating in and sending delegates to national and international Green gatherings; (b) participating in strategic planning and policymaking in national Green organizations; (c) disseminating information about Green candidates running for office in the U.S. and encouraging U.S. citizens living abroad to vote Green; (d) assisting the Green movement in the U.S. through petitions, letter-writing, and other forms of direct support; (e) financially supporting U.S. Green organizations through membership affiliation.

2. To support the work of Greens and Green-like organizations in countries where U.S. Greens reside by: (a) gathering and disseminating information about Green and Green-like organizations in their countries of residence; (b) directly engaging in individual and group political activities in their host countries provided that such activities do not conflict with any legal restrictions placed by the respective country on the political activities of foreigners residing there.

3. The USGA seeks to facilitate international interactions between Green and Green-like organizations in the U.S. and other countries. Such facilitation specifically focuses on: (a) networking between overseas groups and U.S. groups, including helping to make travel arrangements for U.S. Greens visiting abroad and for Greens from other countries visiting the U.S.; (b) promoting the creation of an International Green Network between the USGA and Greens of other nationalities; (c) promoting the creation of autonomous local U.S. Greens Abroad groups in specific countries and regions within those countries.


The USGA maintains a caucus within the Greens/Green Party USA and also supports the Green Party of the United States. Members may choose to join either, neither, or both national parties. Members may also join state parties and local groups in their place of residence in the U.S., as well as other U.S. Green organizations, such as the Green Network and the Green Alliance, on an individual basis. (For more information on Green organizations see USGA Infosheet #5, "Information about U.S. Green Organizations.")


The USGA subscribes to the Ten Key Values of the Greens: (1) Ecological Wisdom; (2) Social Justice; (3) Grassroots Democracy; (4) Nonviolence; (5) Decentralization; (6) Community Economics; (7) Feminism; (8) Respect for Diversity; (9) Personal and Global Responsibility; and (10) Future Focus.


The USGA is organized on the basis of a Charter (a copy is available upon request) which includes the following points:

1. Members join the USGA as individuals on an equal basis with equal voting rights. Any political activities, including the issuing of policy statements or positions, endorsements of candidates, the selection of delegates to national and international gatherings, and internal changes in the organization and affiliation of the USGA must be approved of by a majority of the members casting ballots. Every member is given an opportunity to participate in the political decision-making process, either directly or through absentee balloting if necessary. Members may withdraw support from majority-decisions they do not agree with and remain in good standing with the organization.

2. Any delegates to national or international Green gatherings are bound by any policy formulations made by the USGA. Delegates are expected to prepare and distribute to all members a report of their attendance at national or international Green gatherings.

3. Autonomous local chapters of the USGA may be formed in specific countries and regions within those countries to facilitate local initiatives, provided that the group has at least five members and two coordinators. Local chapters enjoy the full privileges of a Green local, including the right to send independent delegates to national and international Green gatherings and to engage in independent strategic planning and policymaking. Actions and policies which affect the whole organization of the USGA, however, must be decided on by the full membership.

4. The primary means of communication within the USGA is through e-mail, regular mail, and telephone. Face-to-face gatherings and meetings may be called by any member. Any decisions made at such meetings must be ultimately approved by the entire membership, through absentee balloting if necessary.


The USGA is administrated in a way that allows individuals to be involved in the organizational aspects of the group to the extent that they wish. There are no elected officers but rather an open leadership run entirely by volunteers. Any USGA member may volunteer to serve in administrative positions. While any USGA member may offer suggestions for administrative decisions, members who want to participate directly in the administrative decision-making process should volunteer to serve in an administrative position. The following specific points are included in the USGA Charter:

1. Day-to-day administrative activities are conducted by a Coordinating Committee comprised of any and all members who volunteer to help with the administrative work of the organization. The Coordinating Committee does not make independent decisions on political matters, but it does retain final decision-making power for internal administrative affairs.

2. The Coordinating Committee consists of Clearinghouse Coordinator(s) and Communications Coordinator(s). Decisions of the Coordinators can be made independently but may be subjected to review by the other Coordinators. Any number of individuals can serve in a particular position and individuals may serve as Coordinators in more than one area.

3. The Clearinghouse Coordinator(s) maintain membership roles and all administrative records. It facilitates communication within the USGA and coordinates other administrative tasks, such as recruiting new members. It acts as a liaison between the USGA and Green organizations in the U.S. and abroad, including autonomous U.S. Greens Abroad groups in specific countries.

4. The Communications Coordinator(s) facilitate communications between the USGA and the "outside world" by issuing press releases and other information on activities and policies of the USGA through the mainstream and alternative media, and the Internet.

5. The Coordinating Committee communicates with each other and/or meets as necessary, and distributes to all USGA members an annual report which includes a financial statement and reports on activities conducted during the previous year by the Clearinghouse and Communications Coordinators, and Working Groups (see below). Responsibility for issuing the report lies with the Clearinghouse Coordinator(s).


The USGA Charter allows for working groups to be established on an ad hoc basis for specific purposes, such as: (1) electoral work; (2) research and campaigns on particular issues; (3) the formulation of policy; (4) the further development of Green theory; and (5) other areas of concern to members. Any member may volunteer to participate in any working group. Groups may consist of one or more members and members may belong to more than one group. Working groups are free to publish/publicize their work as individuals, but any statements, actions, or policies promoted under the name of the USGA must be approved by a majority of the members. Information about the specific activities of USGA working groups is publicized as developments occur and is available upon request. For more information on working groups see USGA Infosheet #4, "Working Groups in the U.S. Greens Abroad."


Membership is open to any U.S. citizen over the age of 18 who has resided, or intends to reside, abroad for a period of more than three months, who subscribes to the Ten Key Values, and who completes a signed application form. For an application form write to Richard Evanoff, 1933-8 Hazama-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 193-0941 Japan or e-mail <>. Visit our website at at <>.