Tango Argentino dance interpretations on Gallo Ciego
(Last modified 26 oct 2006 - scroll for videoclips)

  A dancer is more than an organism that merely reacts to sensory information, he also makes a personal interpretation. For telling the story of the music, one has to catch the spririt of the music, the soul, not just to the beat. A good dancer is one who makes you see the music. For dancing the music from inside out, the senses need to become conscious and this being sensible must be combined with the ability to direct attention in a self chosen direction, consciously. To make it a living, ongoing event, there must be this, rather magical internal trigger for action. The magical effect of music on people seems to be related to the music's narrative content, the spirit or spacial message. All tangos have a 2x4 rhythm, yet each tango has a different narrative content which changes the dancing. And... each dance couple dances the same tango in another way, they feel the music differently.

  Regarding hearing music, there are two simultaneous streams of information: through the ears in music that is heard and in thinking music entirely in our brain. Stream 1 is the repetitive pulse (or beat). This is the unrolling canvas so to speak onto which the story of the music, Stream 2, is written or painted. The canvas - the pulse - represents who it is that is telling the story. The pulse is repetitive, the story develops, changes and contrasts. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. The pulse however goes on throughout, repetitively, and has no middle that coincides with the middle of the story. The central nervous system treats those two streams differently. The pulse will tend to go to the feet, the second stream conveys the unfolding story. Phrasing is part of the story stream.

  Here are seven nice dance interpretations on Gallo Ciego mostly played by Osvaldo Pugliese. It's like seeing tango through the ears, hearing through the eyes. Nothing expresses the feeling heart better than the 'melting eye'.
  The YouTube video uploads may take a while depending on your internet connection speed.

1- Carlos Gavito - Gallo Ciego
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