Batson Genealogy

and Related Families

Genealogy Links

Miscellaneous Links

Greg's Comic Strip Zone

     This page is to discuss and share genealogy information. Please return often. Suggestions are always welcome!!! So far I've made 4 connections to my Batson line and about 4 to my Gill line. I hope to make more connections soon!! Ironically, two of the surnames I have had the most trouble researching are my father's and mother's names which are "Batson" and "Gill". My other interests include video and computer gaming, movies, maintaining a tropical aquarium and travel, just to name a few. Don't forget to sign my guestbook while you're here!! :) Just go to the bottom of the page and click on the link!! Your feedback is important to me and helps me continue to shape and update this site for everyone's benefit and enjoyment!! Thanks for visiting!

Getting Started Read the origin of my Surname "BATSON"
Some of my famous ancestors My BATSON Ancestors.
My GILL Ancestors. Surname Index
6 Generations My German Ancestry
My Spanish Ancestry View my family photo album
Figuring out your cousin relationships Family Connections I have made
Genealogy Links

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This Page Created and Maintained by Greg Batson

**UPDATE** People are NOW using my website name in order to spam me as if I would send junk mail to myself!! If you lowlifes would stop stealing people's PERSONAL information for your selfish gain (and why would you spam me as if your message came from MY website?) MAYBE you would be treated more like a normal human being and not the trash that you are!! PLEASE RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE'S INFORMATION and STOP using it for your supposed gain (whatever wasted effort that would be!!)

© 1997-2007 by Greg Batson, All Rights Reserved

e-mail link disabled til further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.