I have moved my site an all of it's contents to a different/better server at hostingisfree.com

Here is a link to my new site, CLICK!
Note: My site looks exactly the same, just no longer on Geocities.

Why I switched:
1)More webspace. Geocities only allowed 15MB, Hostingisfree gives me 50MB.
2)Hostingisfree enables PHP thus allowing for my fancy schmancy Message Board.
3)Hostingisfree allows for FTP uploading(uploading files while not having to actually log in, I also can upload massive amounts/sizes)
4)I can see more detailed statistics of my site such as; hits per day, bandwidth being used, IP addresses of visitors, etc.
Interesting fact: My new site has been viewed by people from:
-United Steates of America
-Great Britain
(List updated: 12/22/04)
5)I can now make my own custom Error Pages, meaning, if you fuck up, it'll say what I want it to say.

There are just sooo many more features on Hostingisfree than Geocities.

So if you haven't already, Click on over!