Randy Johnson

Had a cameo Appearance in "Little Big League"


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Stats on Randy Johnson

Born: September 10, 1963 in Walnut Creek CA
Bats: Right
Throws: Left
Tied Nolan Ryan for the record of 23 strike-out games in 1999.  Started in the 1995 and 1997 All-Star Games.  Was a college teamate of Mark McGuire at USC.

Information on Randy Johnson  provided by Major League Baseball.com

Randy Johnson Cards

Randy Johnson Score Y/S Mint 9

Randy Johnson Score Young Superstar, graded mint 9 by psa.  Hard to find issue, short printed due to lack of orders by dealers in '89.  This card is made of thick tiffany stock and has a glossy finish. 

Asking Price: $40.00


Cash, Check, and Money Orders accepted.

Player Name:  Randy Johnson
Rookie Card
Year: 1989
Publisher: Upper Deck
Price: $10.00

Condition: Mint
Contact: kyle32stl@hotmail.com

Payment by Money Order Only

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