Welcome to Hell...oh I mean COLLEGE!

For many of us College is a step into the real world of dept, deceit and powermongers. Well that's if you go to Idaho State. I'm not going to say that college is bad or anything, in fact I think College is a great experience for those people who can AFFORD it. For those of us who have to suffer through long periods of anxioty over money and grades its not always a good thing. I also believe college is a very important part of life, but it could be better for people (it could be free).

This is the page about my college experience. It's where I can rant and rave about several things from having to take bogus classes to having some of the best professors yet.


The fall Semester is in full swing and It's going all right ut I hat the stupid icon project that has lasted four weeks in Advance Graphic Design. I can only do so much with an icon before I want to shoot it.

I'm learning more in German this semester but I still haven't made it to lab so I'll be working on that next week.

The other classes are so so. So here is the list of classes and this time I've included the times at which I take them something different from last year.

German 102, @ 9:30 - 10:45, Tue Thur: since I failed it last time I get to take it over again diffirent teacher though.

Business and professional writing, @ 11:00 - 12:15, Tue & Thur, The teacher is funny so the class should be ok, although we have a load mouth in the class but that always happens.

Rhetorical Theory, @ 2:30 - 3:45, Tue & Thur: A class with people from Wal-Mart that's the first time that's happened. It's an all right class but I don't think I'm learning anything really useful in it but I have to pass it to graduate. This is the only really tuff class I have.

Advanced Grafic design, @ 1:00 - 3:30, Mon & Wes, A few people form my former class but taught by Jull which I really don't get along with in the first place I wan t Kathy back.

My Degree

I'm going to ISU because its the least expensive college with the degree that I wanted.
The degree I'm tring so hard to attain is a BA in Mass Communications.
DUH...it's happened to me finally. I changed my major and what I want to do with it. Now, instead of a Journalism enphasis I'm going for a Media Study enphasis. Yet I can't spell the word enphasis right. Nope still haven't looked up that word yet. So what the freak do I want to do now? That's a very good question and I don't have an answer to it. Nope still no answer to that question just yet.


Fuck it all to hell. Well I'm still at school haven't left yet. Took the nice little break had some fun saw some friends reminded my self as to why I'm doing this, and I'm all better and ready to attack another semester of hell.