Too many people have this self-righteous attitude about themselves. It's like they're so superior because they have this kind of car, this kind of job, this kind of house. Anyone who is different or makes less money just seems to stand in their way. I don't get why anybody thinks they have a right to pass judgment on anyone else. How can somebody possibly think they can justify telling me that my lifestyle isn't appropriate, or that my skin color is wrong. How can something caused by nature be wrong?

I never chose to be gay, just like slaves never chose to be Indian or African-American or any other nationality. With all the prejudice in the world, why would anyone in their right mind choose to live a lifestyle that will bring them so much ridicule?

Do you think the family living out of their station wagon really wanted to be in that situation? What about Matthew Shepard? Did he want to be gay just so he could be crucified on a fence?

I am gay for a reason, and it's not because I want to be made fun of, abused, or looked down upon. This is who I am, and I refuse to live a lie just because someone else disagrees with what my life should be. Nature chose to make me gay, and has anybody ever been able to control nature? Probably not! So maybe some people would like to think of me as some biological error, but in the long run, everything happens for a reason. Everyone is here for a reason, it is up to us to make our time here on earth valuable and worth living! It is up to us to make this world a better place and befriend the person that is different! Befriend the person that is afraid to look eye to eye with his neighbor for fear of being beaten or repressed because of who they are.

Unfortuantly, this world is a sad, sad place. Some people has views and opinions that we will never understand. Some people will go through life thinking that we are hell bound and that we chose to live this horrible, sinful life as homosexuals! Those people are the ones that will continue to ban gay marriages and gay couples adopting children. Those people are the ones that take away our rights as human beings just because they feel that we live our life incorrectly and not according to their standards or morals! I have news for those people, it is 2002 and the world is evolving! I am hear to tell those people that I will not let them belittle me and tell me that I can't be who I want to be! There is a lot in this world that needs to be changed! The way that poeple stand in our way and refuse us the rights that we all deserve. That's why we all need to stand together and fight for diversity and fight for the freedom to be who and what we want to be!

I dream of the day that I can walk down the street with my partner, hand in hand and not be the next victom of a hate crime! I dream of the day that my partner and I can adopt a child and not create controversy! I dream of the day that we can all walk out the door, and into the world and not have to hide who we are! I dream of the day that we are actually created equal! With your help, diversity can be celebrated!!

Sincerely yours,
Gregg Jones