Seminar in Memory of
Metropolitan Paulos Mar Gregorios

Chicago  Nov 24, 2001

The Gregorian Study Circle met at St. Gregorios Orthodox Church on November 24, 2001.

Father Dr. M. K. Thomas and Father Abraham led a prayer service in the church in memory of the late Metropolitan Dr. Paulos mar Gregorios. Dr. Joseph Thomas made a presentation on Christian Response to Terrorism and War. Everyone participated in the active discussion that followed the presentation.

Father Thomas suggested that our Church should be more active in getting to know our neighbors, other Churches, and other religions. We should get
involved in studying issues of social and political significance to us in America and the world. He felt that similar groups should be started in all our parishes and that we should organize a national meeting of these groups annually. The name of Paulos Mar Gregorios is the appropriate umbrella under which our Church should organize those groups. He thought that the scope of this nationwide group should be expanded and we should think of a name which
will reflect the activities of this organization. (Paulos Mar Gregorios Society?) We decided to give more thought into this and agreed to present our views at our next meeting.

Dr. Roy Thomas proposed that we should hold regular monthly meetings. The
next meeting will be hosted by Mr. Jeby Cherian at his house. Ms. Mary
Mathews agreed to serve as the coordinator for our group.

We had a sumptuous lunch prepared by Father Dr. M. K. Thomas for the

(Report by Dr. Joseph Thomas)
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