The Lair

(by Merlin's bear she made the site pink!!!) 

Enter!!! Enter!!! Please enter. Enter now what the helll are you waiting for? Enter damn you!!! hehehe just kidding ;-p

Tsuzuki: Welcome to Grey Wolf's Fan Fiction Lair. this site contains: Yaoi/slash, yuri, herto, hentai, fluff, an ugly couch, angst, love, joy, out-of-character-ness, shameless character love, shameful character  bashing and worst of all  non-American humour and wit. ;p So if you don't particularly like any of this then bugger off.

Hisoka: Baka! You can't tell the ppl to bugger off... well you already did i guess... to those that are not offended by any of ^that please enter the site and enjoy

Tsuzuki: Below you can find what the webmasters (Mostly Grey) believe in/support/is most like. Please don't judge  just accept

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