About Grinstead Hold

 /\\/    ;;;;               _____________  
  /\\/   ;;;;              / Grinstead  /|
  /     ;;;;  ________    /Hold House  / |
  ~~   ;;;;  /Barn  /|  /____________/   |
 ~~~~      /_______/ |  | #  #  #  # |   |
 ~~~~~     |       | |  |    __      |
 ~~~~~~~   |___[]__|/   | # | /| # # |                  nnnnnn
~Lake~~~        ..      |___|| |_____|/ __
~~~~~~~           ...     ..|/         ...
~~~ ..................    ....        ...    _\\|/___\\|/___\\|/_
    ..........................      ...      _\\|/___\\|/___\\|/_
     __________      ....................... _\\|/___\\|/___\\|/_
    / Animal  /|    ...  .......................................
   /_________/ |  ...    ....                  __    __    __
   |         | /...      ....                 (  )  (  )  (  )
   |___[]____|/                                ||    ||    ||

Hold Colors:       Green and White

Grinstead farm was the biggest on Ista before the great quake. As you can see above it is devoted to the
 growing things; most recently, the growing of klah for Ista Island has become it's main occupation.
Any one interested is welcome to visit.
Our web site is at:  http://www.oocities.org/grinsteadhold/index.html

Search Policy:
You must be a resident of Grinstead before Search is announced *and* @send to Grinstaff
 or to a staff memeber before applying.

For more help, you can page/@send the following people:
Yuvi              Grinstead Holder (OOC X2)
Anjy              Grinstead Holderling (OOC X2)
Luhel             Grinstead Holder's Assistant
Stanbogan         Grinstead Steward(OOC X1)
Kurt              Grinstead Hold Harper
Carver            Grinstead Headperson
Rarah             Grinstead Hold Healer

Or inquire from farmers: Rorie, Teanna & Larisa.

Use the Grinstead Hold Maps link below to view good maps of the entire hold.

*Remember: offices are private rooms (unless otherwise specified). So, type: knock {name of office} and wait for an answer to enter.

Grinstead Maps @CWHO LOGS LOGS

FarmCraft GarHold