Hi again. This is now my second web site devoted to wrestling videos as the first one I had ( simply became too full. So I have opened this site to put my new videos on, and it is really a continuation of my first site. So you know the score... where needed, links and credit for videos are given to the wonderful sites I use to get the videos.. As always you can contact me here.
UPDATE!!! 24th JANUARY 2003
Top_Rope_DDT - Jamie Knoble, from the WWE delivers a devastating Top Rope DDT to Billy Kidman. A recent clip of good quality! (963 kB)
Burning_Hammer - Also known as the Reverse Death Valley Driver 2 from WWE Smackdown 4 SYM this move is a must see, from a Japanese federation. (555 kB)
Murder_Backdrop - Dr. Death Steve Williams gives Kenta Kobashi a neck breaking Murder Backdrop. Also a move on SYM, you will cringe at this! A MUST SEE! (400 kB)
Murder_Backdrop2 - Another one, this time to win the match! Ouch! (346 kB)
Emerald_Fusion - Misawa ends the match with his patented Emerald Fusion. Version 2 if you have WWE Smackdown SYM! (803 kB)
Nash_Jacknife - Kevin Nash throws Rey around like a Rag Doll as he powerbombs him twice with the patented Jacknife Powerbomb, from WCW. (809 kB)
Cagesault - Kurt Angle pulls off a jaw dropping Moonsault from the top of the cage. He misses but it is amazing nonetheless! (1.53 MB)
Kanyon_Cage_Fall - If you know of the WCW Triple Tier Cage match, you will know about this clip! Staged in the same arena Owen Hart died in, the WCW got some serious complaints about pulling off this stunt in this arena! CREDIT TO DUDE McDUDERSON FROM THE NEOSEEKER FORUMS ( Cheers Dude, much appreciated! ;)

UPDATE! 4/2/2003 3 NEW VIDEOS!

Powerbomb_through_Ring - Kevin Nash powerbombs Jeff Jarrett through the ring in the days of the WCW. Looks fake but still a good image. (506 kB) Thanks to Menace from the NeoSeeker forums for this video.
- The Rock does a double Rock Bottom on Shane McMahon and Triple H, through the Announcer's Table. Once again an impressive image. (615 KB). Credit to: Menace
- The first appearance of the Next Big Thing. A large file, but worth the wait as the awesome power of Lesnar is jaw-dropping. (3.21 MB)

UPDATE!!! 5/2/2003 3 NEW VIDEOS!

Awesomebomb_from_ring_through_table - This has to be seen to be believed! Phenomenal move that snaps Rhyno in two, an Awesomebomb from ECW through a table on the outside of the ring from inside the ring. Amazing! Thanks to Big Thing from the NeoSeeker forums for this video. (580 kB)
- A top rope DreamerDriver through a table, another great ECW move, if only they still did this sort of stuff in the WWE! Once again credit to: Big Thing. (903 kB)
- Rhyno piledrives Spike through a table on the outside of the ring from the apron. From ECW once again. Credit: Big Thing. (753 kB)

UPDATE!! 7/2/2003 4 NEW VIDEOS!

Backyard_Firebomb - A powerbomb from a 'stage' through a construction including thumb tacks, flaming tables and trash cans. Great move. (286 kB) Credit: Big Thing.
- Not brutal, but the SSP is by far my favourite aerial move. Hayabusa should take note as Kidman executes this perfectly!
- From ECW, a crazy splash where the guy leaps across the crowd and onto Hardcore Hak through a table! New Jack is the guy making the jump. Thanks to the Enigma for that bit of info! (537 kB)
- This is the famous clip of Vic Grimes falling 40 feet from a scaffold in the XPW. Just download it and see how crazy this really is. Note: he was OK after this fall, somehow! (505 kB).
To visit my other wrestling video sites click here to go to the Wrestling Video Site Index Page, with information and links to all of my video sites!
Unfortunately the two sites above have closed since I posted the links. I will leave the credits to them on the page but the links have been taken down as they were obviously broken. - Thanks to this gore site for the Vic Grimes video. Although they thought it was the footage of Owen Hart falling to his death! Hehe how wrong they were! Thanks anyway!