Last Updated 1- 26-07
Murphy's Blog: The Stuffed Harry Potter Archives See Our Oldies
LinkZ: see what we like
See our flashes
Photo Galley!!!!
The Photo Gallery Part 2 and 3
This Week: We are nearly done with all of the Meet the Cast. Just Murphy and Colby are left. Next Week: Hopefully, we'll have finished our Meet The Cast series
News From Drake!
So, the cast and crew of the site have finally got over the fact that it's almost February and Holidays are over. Pinky however is looking forward to Valentines day to please White but you won't see that because us (the crew) will be working on The movie: Casino Species. In other news, Web Master decided to get on our case if we call Wing Lee by that so he finnally made his name: Sid Strife. Check the guestbook for updates when you don't hear from us very much. The cast is very happy to know  that we only have two more cast videos to film and that they will hopefully be posted online next week or atleast sooner than we thought. But after that, get ready to groan because we'll not have much updates. The good news is that's because this SPRING (assuming the groundhog says so) you'll see the movie and it's sub domain full of bonus features that you'll swear you're watching an extended DVD we call Casino Species: Film Reel Uncut, but until then, look at what we have so far. Thanks for supporting us- Drake.
Stealing of any pictures or characters etc. wtihout permission is illegal, Copyright 2007.