Join Us... It is your Destiny.

<BGSOUND SRC="destroy2.wav"> So you want to join, eh? You wanna be a Sith Superstar live large. Big planet, 15 lightsabers, on top the universe don't trust nobody gotta look over your shoulder constanly. Well, that ain't gunna happen so fill out the form, copy it, click the link at the bottem, and paste it into the e-mail. Just put application as the subject.

Upon completing this application, your journey into the dark wisdom, known by the ages as the Sith, will begin. Keep in mind, as you look over this application, that most of those joining this Order, may never leave. Laws are to be enforced strictly and honor as well as obedience shall be put before ones self. No one person makes up our organization, and it is up to the whole to make sure that no harm comes to this Sacred Order. To be accepted is to break any ties that you once held with civilization as you knew it. Upon reading this, please mark the following box with an x { }
(if unchecked, application will be discarded) Thank You.
Now you will be asked a series of questions. Answer them to the best of your knowledge.

What is your name:

What is your age:

How did you learn of this Organization? TitusAndr0onicus
Please state who gave you this application: same as above

Why do you wish to Join?

Please state what you believe to be your level of skill:

Will you do anything to achieve personal goals as well as the goals of the Sith?

How much time do you spend actively roaming the Universe ( online ):

Do you require training?

Would you be willing to train others?

Do you require any equipment?
( if so, please list )

Please sign, and date, below.
Name --
Date --

click here to mail this to me