Blair walked into the lab of Sanctuary with the DNA samples via strands of hair in hand. "Jim had to meet with a snitch from another investigation so he couldn't come with me. Here is the samples for you to check out, Adam."

Adam took the samples from his teammate and they went over to the scanner, Blair leaned against the end of the table and Adam took a seat to work with the device. "Okay now I will scan the DNA on the strands and load them in to the database. From there we will see if they match the codes on file of Lee Masters, Carla Davidson, and Mitch Fields. From there we can examine their DNA and see if we can find anything there that can be useful in finding out identity of our killer." Adam went to work on the strands.

"I hope we can find out who this guy is, man. It's bad enough knowing that the GSA is out there hunting down new mutants." Blair says.

"I know exactly how you feel."

"New mutants are like your children aren't they?" Blair asked.

"In a way they feel like it. Here, help me out with this." Adam gave Blair the vial, " Place that in the scanner over there then press that button."  Blair did what Adam had told him. "So, Deana said that you were upset when you called earlier. She also said that she had felt a little of your psionic powers also. What happened? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think that I will be alright. I did have a vision, I have had several visions today. This is not how I imagined my abilities coming out. I had the first one at the Lee Masters house and one in the coroners when Jim and I went to investigate." Blair said looking down clearly a bit shaken.

Adam placed a hand on his shoulder as he walking over to punch some codes into the computer and said, "They rarely are, but with a little work you will be able to control them and emotionally handle the visions that you have. Anything with the other abilities?"

"No, nothing, though, I am looking forward to the telekinesis." Blair said on a lighter note trying to shake off the discomfort of the visions. Adam gave him a smile and pat on the back before he walked over to the other side of the room to the table next to the window facing the waterfall and the reflecting pools.

Deana and Emma walked through the door at that moment and Deana gave Blair a little smile. She then went over to where Blair was and leaned against the back of the exam chair. "So, you had your first vision." that was said as a matter of fact not a question. "Don't worry it will get easier to handle. I remember when I had my first real vision. Scared the bejeebers out of me. I didn't know what was happening. Luckily for you you knew what was going on when yours happened. Why don't you come with Emma and I and we will show you some techniques for control of those little visions?"

"I need Emma here with me to work on these tests. You guys go ahead and get to work on Blair's control of his visions. As soon as I have anything to give you Blair, I will let you know." Adam said over his shoulder as Emma smiled at her friends. "Oh, and Blair, I want you to also work with Brennan and Jesse on some hand to hand. I'd like to know that you can defend yourself if ever you need to. We don't want you to depend solely on your powers."

"You mean learn martial arts?" Blair asks wide eyed.

"Yes." Adam answers.

"Cool! I can't wait!" Blair says and then walks out of the lab with Deana.

Blair calls Jim on his Com-Link and tells him what is going on. The ring gives a signal indicating that someone is calling. Jim is at his desk and hears the beep. He hits the standby button on the thing and goes into one of the interrogation rooms and answers. "Yeah?"

"Hey Jim this is Blair, I am at Sanctuary and Adam is running the test on those samples. He told me that he would let me know when he got the results. I will be here for a while, Deana is helping me with my visions. Man, these rings are so COOL! See you later."

"Okay Chief. I guess I will see you at home later. You do what Deana tells you, okay?" Jim says with the ring to his mouth not quite used to talking into it.

Blair also with his to his mouth is not used to talking into his either, "Don't worry I think that she will be an excellent teacher." Deana is with him at the platform in front of the waterfall and she blushes and gives him a smile.

"I'll make sure that he does what he is told Jim, don't worry." Deana adds to the communication.

"I'm sure you will, but I think that you have your hands full my dear." Jim says with a chuckle.

"I'm not that bad!"  Blair says into the ring to his friend and sentinel.

"Uhuh, I'll believe that when I believe that the Sun Rise Patriots are sweethearts." Jim says,  "Later guys."

Rolling his eyes, "Later Jim." The transmission ends.

"Okay, let's get started with those exercises shall we?" Deana says indicating where he is to sit.

An hour into the exercises Adam calls on the Inter-Sanctuary com-system, "Blair, I have the results of the test."

"Deana and I are on our way." They got up from their places on the platform and walked to the lab. "What did you find Adam?"

"They definitely match the DNA of Lee Masters, Carla Davidson, and Mitch Fields. Though I can't find anything that would tell us how they died." Adam answers. "Is there anything else that you can tell me, any thing in your visions?"

"No, I can't think of anything. I told you everything that I could. Oh, wait a minute! I remember something from the crime scene, I remember there being a symbol on the walls where they all where killed. I just know that I have seen the symbol before, or something very similar to it. It was three triangles side by side starting off small then getting large."

Adam looked down and then back up again and sighed, "Did it look like this?" He pulled up the symbol on the holographic screen.

"That's it!" Blair said amazed.

"That is the old logo for Genomex. Now we know which direction to look."