All of the members of Mutant X were together in Sanctuary, the headquarters of the team inside of a mountains outside Cascade, Washington, for the first time in weeks there was no new mutant sightings by the underground. Shalimar and Brennan were playing poker on the holographic projector and Jesse was teaching Emma some computer skills. She was getting to be quite the wiz in the short time that he had been tutoring her.

Adam walks out of the lab and speaks up toward Jesse and Emma who were upstairs at the computer chair. "Emma, Jesse, could you two get down here please?"

"Coming," they said.

As they walk down the stairs they are met by the others in the team. Adam had commandeered the holographic projector and was now feeding information into the console. He then speaks to them. "I have the whereabouts of a telekinetic new mutant in Cascade. Steve Myers, one of our underground new mutants, spotted her at Ranier University around noon. Her name is Deana Greenwood, she is a professor in linguistics and anthropology. She is a new teacher at the university. It appears that she prevented a lighting fixture from landing on another professor by using her power."

"So, what are we gonna do about it?" asked Brennan Mulwray, a elemental with the power to throw of electricity from his hands. He and about a thousand other people are the "Children of Genomex" a biotech firm that is a front for the GSA(Genetic Security Agency) a governmental agency.

"I want Emma and Brennan to go undercover as students at Ranier to find out more about Dr. Greenwood. We are going to go about this very gently. We don't want to cause her any alarm."

"So, Brennan and I are gonna be in her class?" Emma, a telempath, someone able to sense the feelings of others and control them also, asked.

"That's the idea, I want you two to keep an eye on her and see if she is any threat to herself or others. If not then we will continue to monitor her activities. We don't want to disrupt her life if we don't have to. But, in the event that the GSA finds out of her existence, we want to know how to get a hold of her and get her to safety."

"I will get the proper papers in order by the end of the day." Jesse, a molecular new mutant with the ability to turn become as hard as a brick wall one minute and then be able to walk through one in another, said to Adam.

Shalimar, a feral new mutant with both human and animal DNA, was wondering what Adam had in mind for her.

"Shalimar, I want you and Jesse to rotate shifts and keep an eye on her place. According to what information that I have received from my database, she could be one of the most powerful telekinetic new mutants that we have ever come across. If the GSA ever found out, she, as well as ourselves, could be in big trouble."

"You've got it. I will go on over to her place and start the watch now." Shalimar said as she walked off to fetch her coat and head for the garage.


"Blair, that was the best Chinese dinner I think that I have ever eaten." Deana said as they walk up to the front door of a large warehouse. She then opens the door and invites him in.

"Wow, look at this place! You live here?" Blair says amazed as Deana takes his coat.

"Well not on this level. I am renovating it and opening a shop on the lower level. There are three levels in all and a rooftop. I plan on turning the upper levels into a loft apartment and making a garden on the roof.

"So, your planning to do all this by yourself?" he asked giving her a look.

"Yep. I think that I can handle it."

"I have no doubt that you can. I think that you quite possibly can do anything that you put your mind to." Blair said laughing. "So, show me around the place."

"Okay, Blair this way." Deana lead Blair to a freight elevator in the middle of the room. "I am gonna divide this into several rooms, the front will be my shop. Then I have the elevator and the staircase and I will have my office on the other side. In the back there is a side garage door. I will keep that so that I can park my car and motorcycle when it comes next week."

"You have a motorcycle?!"

"Oh yeah it's a solid black Harley and it is a beauty." she says proudly. "I will give you a ride on it sometime if you would like."

"I can't wait!"

"The garage will double as a workshop for some of my larger stuff, furniture and other artwork. I make jewelry and other stuff that I can make upstairs in the loft." When they reach the second level and step off the elevator Blair whistles. "Somehow I knew that you would like it. I still haven't figured out how I want to decorate this though. Let me take you to the rooftop. You will weep!" And as she had promised he did at the view of the bay and of Storm King Mountain off in the distance. "I just love that view of the mountains and the water around them. It is almost like a beautiful sanctuary. It is very peaceful up here."

"I couldn't agree more. Would you believe that I just live down the block on the same street! I can walk here in no time."

"No kidding, that's great!" Deana said grinning ear to ear.

Unbeknownst to them a blond headed woman was watching and listening to them from a silver Audi at street level.

"Well, guys, she is at home and it looks like she has a friend now." the woman says into a silver bejeweled ring.

The voice coming from the ring says, "Do you have a name, Shalimar?"

"All I got was Blair, Adam. He is a man approximately 5'8" with shoulder length curly brown hair and blue eyes."

"Good work, Shalimar."