Mutant X, Sentinel and Guide, and Dr. Deana Greenwood were all sitting together eating Chinese. Talking to each other and hearing stories of each others adventures. Deana shared with them about growing up in an orphanage after the death of her mother and father in a plane crash that she herself was in. She had told them about being able to escape without a scratch. This had all happened when she was only three years old. Adam contributed this to her telekinetic powers. Saying that she must have created a shield around herself to keep from getting killed. Deana told them that she wished that she could have done the same thing for her parents. They all sympathized with her. Emma put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiled to let her know that she wasn't alone in her pain. That they all were there for her. Deana smiled back in gratitude.

"You know," Jim says to Adam as they are sitting side by side, Blair was over by Brennan about literature, "I think that I might be able to keep an eye out for new mutants for you guys. Blair and I understand what the threat to people who are different is." He had told the others about how Lee Brackett had kidnapped the two and used them to break into a military facility to steal a experimental aircraft.

"We would greatly appreciate your help Jim. Having someone on the inside of the Cascade Police Department will be of tremendous help in our cause." Adam says to Jim. Adam and his team had become fast friends with Jim, Blair, and Deana.

"And you have my word that I will help look for new mutants on campus too." Blair says from where he is sitting.

"Thank you Blair. We already have one person on campus. With two it will broaden the search. You have already met Steve Myers. He is with the new mutant underground."

"Steve, he is a new mutant? What is his power?" Blair asked amazed.

"Yes he is, he's a telepath." Adam answers the anthropologists.

"I'll help too." Deana said from where she was with the other girls.

"With all three of your powers working with us, we should have better results in our search. Deana, one of the reasons that we decided to contact you was so that we could recruit you."

"Recruit me?" Deana asks not sure that she understands what Adam is saying.

"Yes, your powers are some of the strongest that we have come across. It has been the decision of all of us with Mutant X that your abilities would be most useful working with us. We would like you to join our team." Deana looked at Adam not believing what she was hearing.

"You want me to join, be a member of Mutant X? I don't mean to sound grateful that you would consider me, but I am a professor. I have my work and that is very important to me. How could I be a member and teach?"

"We understand and anticipated that would be your answer. This is something new that we are starting. We want to have members of our team stationed in locations all over the US and eventually internationally. We are starting out in Cascade and then we will spread it out to include other areas where we have safehouses. So, you can continue teaching and keep an eye out for others like yourself."

"Well in that case, you can count on me." Deana holds out a hand and Adam takes it.

"Well then, Deana, welcome to Mutant X" They all smile.

As they are cleaning up after the meal a beep sounds from the intercom. "Answer." Adam says.

"Adam, Thorne and Macavoy were at my house when I got home. I am hiding now. They are after me. Oh, man I've been spotted......." The phone was dropped and Jim and Shalimar could hear over the connection "Well well well, Eckhart is gonna be pleased with us for capturing you Mr. Myers."

"Adam, they have Steve, I heard Thorne tell him that Eckhart would be pleased." Shalimar says.

"I heard the same thing. What can Blair and I do to help?"

"Me too." Deana adds.

"Well, I think that we should come up with a plan."

"The GSA won't know what hit them." Jim says to the others. "Maybe it is time that we work on bringing down the GSA."

Adam goes to the lab and works on a Com-Link Ring for Deana and also Jim and Blair. He wanted to have a link to the sentinel and guide as well. Emma and Shalimar took Deana to get her prepared. and Jesse and Brennan did the same for the guys.

When they were all assembled in front of the holographic projector Adam was there to greet them standing on the other side. Sitting on the projector was three small silver boxes with the letter X on each. "Well, I think that you all look just about ready. There is just one thing that I can think of that will complete it."  He lifts up the middle box and holds it in his hands. "Deana, when I learned about you I knew that I had to have you on my team. This, is a Com-Link Ring, we all with Mutant X have one. This is so to have visual as well as audio contact with the others on the team. You can also take still photos with the ring. It also has a homing device in order to locate you with." Adam hands Deana the ring and she places it on her right ring finger. It then transforms into a ring similar to the ones that the other team members are wearing.

"Thank you, Adam, I won't let you down." She holds out her hand and he takes it.

Adam then looks at Jim and Blair, "Though the two of you may not be new mutants, I am not one either, I believe that it would benefit all of us that the two of you join with us. A sentinel and guide are needed in the tribe, so, I thought that it would be best in this little tribe to have you aboard." He then takes the other boxes and hands them each to Jim and Blair. They take them out and place them on their fingers. As with Deana's, theirs change as well. "Your rings as well as all our rings are keyed to you personal DNA strand, yours and yours alone. They work as I have told Deana."

"THIS IS SO COOL!" Blair says aloud. Jim and the others laugh. Blair is practically bouncing.

"Welcome to Mutant X my friends." He shakes each of the men's hands. "Time to do what we are here for."

"Get back Steve and kick some GSA butt." Blair says. Brennan gives Blair a five as they leave for the Double Helix. Walking behind them all Jim and Adam are shaking there heads and looking at each other.