Troop 329's Leadership Activities
One of the major program goals for Girl Scouts is helping young women develop their leadership potential.  Our troop has gradually developed leadership skills, starting with simple decision making processes, until now they can plan and execute programs for others.  During the past year we sponsored to activities to help younger scouts meet the requirements for try-its or badges.  Along the way we had a lot of fun, learned a lot and even earned some money for our trip to Europe!
This activity was developed by 2 scouts as their Silver Award. The troop helped them make it a reality!
It looks like the seniors had as much fun as the brownies.  Along the way they taught the girls about fitness and interpretive dance.  They helped them make masks and develop a dance to represent the characteristics of the animals they were portrying ... ocean life, jungle animals, fam animals or pets! While they worked, the brownie leaders made tissue flowers to present to their scouts during the final "recital." The activity ended with a "dance party" and a bunch of tired but happy scouts!
Outdoor Fun
There were a number of challenges along the way...rain...bathrooms...poison ivy...But everyone learned a lot from this activity -- even the leaders.  We taught the brownies and juniors about building fires, marking trails, tying knots, cooking outdoors and singing songs in preparation for their spring campout.  Too bad we didn't get to see how they applied their knowledge but it was prom weekend!
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