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Glenn's Website
Well, so far, I just have this site so I can have a URL with which to link to files (mostly QuickBasic-related) that people may or may not be interested in.  If I get motivated, it may grow.

Files available for download

fio.zip:  QB "Absolute Assembly" File I/O routines (file reading/writing, alternatives to BLOAD/BSAVE, etc.)

get2pcx.zip:  A routine to convert QB GET/BSAVE pictures to PCX, along with a QB subroutine to generate a PCX file from on-screen graphics.

vs.zip:  Utilities to tell you various things about your video system

qbgraph.txt:  Sort of a compendium of basic QB graphics functionallity information

comio.txt:  Information about serial port programming

mask.zip:  QB routines to demonstrate how to change the standard monochrome 16 x 16 graphics rodent cursor

stack.zip:  Utilities to put characters into the keyboard buffer, i.e., to make it look like the computer's typing for you

qbsvga.zip:  Some 4- and 8-bit SVGA routines for use with QB.  (They're not particularly fast and the only purpose of this may be to illustrate why you might not want to attempt SVGA access using straight QB functionallity (instead of highly optimized ASM/machine code routines).  Or maybe it just illustrates that you need to program more cleverly than I do.)

qbxms.zip:  Some routines to allow QB programs to store/retreive data in/from extended memory, somewhat simulating the way standard QB arrays might be used.

skc.zip:  Utilities to alter the state of the status keys (CapsLock, ScrollLock, and NumLock)

qbhi.zip:  Demonstration of one way of using 15-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bit SVGA graphics modes in QB

offscrn.zip:  QB routines to write/read graphical pixel data to/from an array, i.e., an off-screen buffer, sort of the way a non-visible video page might be used.

collide.zip:  A QB subroutine to solve the "collision problem" (kinetic energy and momentum conservation) for a collision between two circular objects.  (A PCX file is included to show the collision geometry, which may help explain the inputs to the subroutine.  A simple driver routine is included too, as well as a function to calculate the collision geometry, providing one of the inputs to the collision routine.)

determ.zip:  Routines to find the determinant and inverse of a matrix

utils.zip:  A collection of miscellaneous subroutines and functions (file existence, printing to B&W printers, detection of name of currently executing program, available disk space, Windows detection, etc.--see utils.txt).

srfaux.zip:  If you haven't downloaded surfmodl.zip, below, or aren't otherwise using that software, you probably aren't too interested in srfaux.zip.  Otherwise, this archive contains various utilities (by me) for manipulating/transforming the geometry for the surface modeller input files and for generating geometry files for some simple surfaces of revolution.

chgatt.zip:  Subroutines (a result of some experiments) to help make XOR work with PUT to keep a picture's colors from changing when mixed with a background in a "transparent fashion."

linreg.zip:  Subroutines to perform one and two-dimensional linear regression (fitting data to lines and planes).

pcxpal.zip:  Routines to modify the palette data in 4- and 8-bit PCX files--promotion of 18 bits to 24 bits, and vice versa, and converstion to 24-bit grayscaling.

ask.zip:  A simple QB utility to allow user-input from keyboard in DOS batch (.BAT) files

qbvms.zip:  Like QBXMS, but uses "virtual memory" (i.e., a hard/ramdisk) instead of extended memory.  (Unlike QBXMS, QBVMS is compatible with Windows.)

bmppal.zip:  A utility to modify the palette data in 4 and 8-bit BMP files

wallmess.zip:  A silly routine I wrote to create a graphic composed of text superimposed on a colored background, perhaps to make wallpaper for Windows consisting of a tiled message.  (It's what I used to make the "windows message" below and to your left.)

serial.zip:  Routines to do COM port I/O.

comr.zip:  A stand-alone routine demonstrating how to read data byte by byte from COM1 or COM2 using QB.

bmp.zip:  Some subroutines to generate 8-bit BMP files.  (BMP.SUB generates the BMP from an array storing data created by GET.  It will work with *any* 8-bit data, not necessarily just mode 13, as long as the array is generated in the "GET format.")

trapint.zip:  A QB routine to perform trapezoidal integration

bmp13.zip:  A QB routine to load and display mode 13 BMP files

graph.zip:  A QB routine to plot two-column xy data

bounce.zip:  Some routines relating to point objects colliding with walls

Utilities from Others

splt786.zip:  William G. Hood's Screen Plot program, a very powerful scientific data plotting utility

printgl.zip:  Cary Ravitz's PRINTGL utility to make many printers emulate HP pen plotters.  (If you have HP-GL graphics commands stored in a file, you can use PRINTGL to print your picture/graphics display on your printer.  It's very useful with the above Screen Plot program.)

Vernon Buerg's downloads page (LISTPLUS.ZIP contains LIST.COM, his very useful file browsing utility.)

qf32b.zip:  Kenn Flee's Quick Filer utility, a very powerful file manager

surfmodl.zip:  Ken van Camp's Surface Modeller, a 3-D wire-frame/polygonal surface viewer.  (I know that unzipping the archive to a 1.44 MB floppy and running SURFINST works.  I can't say what will happen if you try to install with the archives already on your hard drive.  (You can also manually unzip the archives, but you'll still need to run SURFINST to configure the software.)  Also, if you know pascal, you might be interested to know that the source code is included.)

skyglobe.zip:  Mark Haney's celestial map utility

peekpoke.txt:  A memory map of the PC (not by me) showing various memory addresses that might be useful for PEEKing using QB.  It was initially available via ftp from somewhere else.  It no longer is, so I've included it here.

Link to PKZIP/UNZIP:  Link to self-extracting archive containing Phil Katz's PKZIP and PKUNZIP routines
Laser Marking Prime Meridian at Old Royal Observatory, Greenwich
My Favorite Links:
Future Software Acid Works
Dav's QB Site
Bin Laden Liquors and other games
Something I wish I would have said
Click, turn your volume up, and wait.
My Info:
Glenn Stumpff
Email: gstumpff@yahoo.com
Transformer hardcore (Akujin's Page)
NASA Geophysics/Space Models
Numerical Electromagnetics Code
Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
The first of a series of articles by me to explain popular science mythology, or other things, this is my debunkment of the idea that there is some preferred color (e.g., yellow) that automobile fog lights are required by physics to be.
Frank van Gilluwe's OS Information
Numerical Electromagnettics Code (FTP)
Avalon (3-D Models) Garmin
3D Cafe (More 3-D Models) NIST Time
Digital Chart of the World
Solar Activity
Explanation of leap years
Ultimate Qbasic Walter Knoll Florist
World Topological Data
Amazing 3D Models
Textbook description of finding the inverse of a square matrix
If you by chance came here looking for general help with programming in QB, you might be better off going to Ethan Winer's page and downloading the "electronic edition" of his book on Basic programming.
Fun and Games with a GPS Receiver
Windows is mad at you.