Updated: 01-12-06
Welcome to my homepage and feel free to browse around!

2008 is already close to an end and so much has happened this year.

On September 17th 2008 my sister Shira had twin boys; Max Kayden Levy and Rex Asher Levy. They are so adorible and I am so lucky to be an aunt 5 times over now. Of course it just so happens that I am now an aunt to 5 amazing nephews.

I am now working as the Media Productionist for the semi-professional football team the Georgia Trojans. It has been an amazing experience working with professional sports and this is something I could for sure see myself doing for a long time.

On October 7, 2008, one of my good friends, Leisa Lowenthal passed away. A wonderful wife, mother, and amazing friend to alot of people, passed away after a stoke. She was always so kind and always had a smile on her face. Because of what she meant to the import scene here in Ga. Malibu Grand Prix has offered us to use their facility and on Oct. 30, 2008 we will be having a huge Drive In there. It should be good times to remember one amazing lady.

Keep your eyes out for updates and dont forget to sign the guestbook!

Updated: 10-23-08
Andrea and Brians Page
Updated 04-12-08
Tab & Matts page
Me and my Tater bug

Tater- 1994-2008