UNIT TITLE: Exploring Other Cultures

Author: Maureen Sidler
E-Mail Address: msidler@sd151.s-cook.k12.il.us
School: Eisenhower Elementary School : South Holland, Illinois
School Home Page URL:

THEME : The World Around Us

BROAD CONCEPT: Comparing Cultures

GRADES: 3rd Grade

INTEGRATED SUBJECTS: Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Technology

UNIT GOALS AND PURPOSE: The students and teachers will learn about various cultures and countries. They will also learn how to be more accepting of other cultural differences. The teachers and students will create a rubric to use as an assessment of the students’ work.

TIME FRAME: 14 –16 Days


In this lesson, students will:

__Desktop Publishing- (ex. Print Artist)         _x_ Brainstorming (ex. Inspiration)

_x_Word Processing (ex. MS Word)               _x_Spreadsheet (ex. Cruncher)

_x_CD-ROM Encyclopedia (ex. Encarta)   _x_ Database (ex. MS Works)

_x_ Multimedia                                            __Other software pertaining to unit


1.B.2a Establish purposes for reading; survey materials; ask questions; make predictions; connect, clarify and extend ideas.

1.B.2b Identify structure (e.g., description, compare/contrast, cause and effect, sequence) of nonfiction texts to improve comprehension.

1.B.2c Continuously check and clarify for understanding (e.g., in addition to previous skills, clarify terminology, seek additional information).

1.B.2d Read age-appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy.

1.C.2a Use information to form and refine questions and predictions.

1.C.2c Compare and contrast the content and organization of selections.

1.C.2f Connect information presented in tables, maps and charts to printed or electronic text

2.B.2b Identify and explain themes that have been explored in literature from different societies and eras.

2.B.2c Relate literary works and their characters, settings and plots to current and historical events, people and perspectives.

3.A.2 Write paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types; appropriate use of the eight parts of speech; and accurate spelling, capitalization and punctuation.

3.B.2a Generate and organize ideas using a variety of planning strategies (e.g., mapping, outlining, drafting).

3.B.2b Establish central idea, organization, elaboration and unity in relation to purpose and audience.

3.B.2c Expand ideas by using modifiers, subordination and standard paragraph organization.

3.B.2d Edit documents for clarity, subjectivity, pronoun-antecedent agreement, adverb and adjective agreement and verb tense; proofread for spelling, capitalization and punctuation; and ensure that documents are formatted in final form for submission and/or publication.

4.A.2a Demonstrate understanding of the listening process (e.g., sender, receiver, message) by summarizing and paraphrasing spoken messages orally and in writing in formal and informal situations.

4.A.2b Ask and respond to questions related to oral presentations and messages in small and large group settings.

4.B.2a Present oral reports to an audience using correct language and nonverbal expressions for the intended purpose and message within a suggested organizational format.

4.B.2b Use speaking skills and procedures to participate in group discussions.

4.B.2c Identify methods to manage or overcome communication anxiety and apprehension (e.g., topic outlines, repetitive practice).

4.B.2d Identify main verbal and nonverbal communication elements and strategies to maintain communications and to resolve conflict.

5.A.2a Formulate questions and construct a basic research plan.

5.A.2b Organize and integrate information from a variety of sources (e.g., books, interviews, library reference materials, web- sites, CD/ROMs).

5.C.2a Create a variety of print and nonprint documents to communicate acquired information for specific audiences and purposes.

5.C.2b Prepare and deliver oral presentations based on inquiry or research.

11.A.2c Construct charts and visualizations to display data.

11.A.2d Use data to produce reasonable explanations.

11.A.2e Report and display the results of individual and group investigations.

11.B.2b Develop a plan, design and procedure to address the problem identifying constraints (e.g., time, materials, technology).

13.B.2f Analyze how specific personal and societal choices that humans make affect local, regional and global ecosystems (e.g., lawn and garden care, mass transit).

15.A.2b Describe how incomes reflect choices made about education and careers.

16.A.2c Ask questions and seek answers by collecting and analyzing data from historic documents, images and other literary and non-literary sources.

17.A.2a Compare the physical characteristics of places including soils, land forms, vegetation, wildlife, climate, natural hazards.

17.A.2b Use maps and other geographic representations and instruments to gather information about people, places and environments.

17.C.2a Describe how natural events in the physical environment affect human activities.

17.C.2b Describe the relationships among location of resources, population distribution and economic activities (e.g., transportation, trade, communications).

17.D.2a Describe how physical characteristics of places influence people's perceptions and their roles in the world over time.

18.A.2 Explain ways in which language, stories, folk tales, music, media and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture.

18.B.2a Describe interactions of individuals, groups and institutions in situations drawn from the local community (e.g., local response to state and national reforms).

18.C.2 Describe how changes in production (e.g., hunting and gathering, agricultural, industrial) and population caused changes in social systems.

19.C.2b Identify offensive, defensive and cooperative strategies in selected activities and games.

21.A.2c Work independently on task until completed.

21.B.2 Work cooperatively with a partner or small group to reach a shared goal during physical activity.

24.A.2b Demonstrate positive verbal and nonverbal communication skills (e.g., polite conversation, attentive listening, body language).

26.A.2e Visual Arts: Describe the relationships among media, tools/technology and processes.

26.B.2b Drama: Demonstrate actions, characters, narrative skills, collaboration, environments, simple staging and sequence of events and situations in solo and ensemble dramas.

27.B.2 Identify and describe how the arts communicate the similarities and differences among various people, places and times.

28.A.2a Comprehend illustrated stories, audiovisual programs or websites.

28.B.2a Pose questions spontaneously in structured situations.

28.D.2c Present an original production (e.g., TV commercials, ads, skits, songs) using known vocabulary and grammatical structures.

29.A.2 Demonstrate activities (e.g., games, songs and role playing) associated with the target language.

29.E.2 Use maps, charts, digital images, graphs and other geographic representations to describe and discuss the countries where the target language is spoken.




Lesson 1- In this lesson the students will communicate with students from other countries. They will then need to locate where their e-pals’ countries are on a large wall map. The students will use the Scholastic site as their connection to e-pals.

Lesson 2- The students will discuss what defines a culture and then they will use Inspiration to create a word web to organize their words into categories.

Lesson 3- The students will communicate with their e-pals to collect information about what holidays that culture celebrates. The students will also research those holidays on the web. They will use the following web sites: www.holidays.net , www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/MCC , teacher.scholastic.com/holiday

Lesson 4- The students will communicate with their e-pal to collect information about the customs of that country. They will then use various resources, including the Internet, to research those customs. They will then compare and contrast their customs and their e-pals’ customs using a Venn Diagram.

Lesson 5- The students will communicate with their e-pals to collect information on that country weather. They will then research the weather patterns of that country using various resources and web sites. Once they have compiled their information, they will use Microsoft Word to create a chart of the temperatures and a graph showing the number of sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, etc. days in that country for the last two weeks.

Lesson 6- The students will communicate with their e-pals to collect data on what foods they eat. They will then have to create a menu listing what they would cook for their family for breakfast, lunch and dinner if they lived in their e-pals’ country.

Lesson 7- The students will communicate with their e-pals to collect information on what type of games they play and what they like to do for fun. They will then need to create and demonstrate one game they have learned about.

Lesson 8- The teacher will read two versions of the same fairy tale. The books would be Little Red Riding Hood and Lon Po Po. The students would then discuss the differences between the two stories and what role culture played in those differences. They will then choose another fairy tale and use Microsoft Word to write it from the perspective of their e-pals’ culture.

Lesson 9- The students will be grouped according to where their e-pals’ countries are located. All the people that have an e-pal from Europe will be in one group. All the people that have e-pals from Asia will be in another group, and so on. They will compare the information they have gathered and create a news cast that would be broadcasted in their e-pals’ countries. They will each take a role in the newscast and present it to the class while the teacher videotapes it.

Lesson 10- The students will gather together all the projects they have completed for this unit. They will construct a display that will be part of a Multi-Cultural Fair that they will participate in. They will also bring in any artifacts, clothing, etc. that reflect the culture they have studied.


The teacher will set up a Multi-Cultural Fair consisting of booths displaying the students’ work. The students will display the various projects they have prepared. They will also display the props and articles they have collected that reflect the cultures of their countries. The rest of the school will be able to visit these displays and listens to the students tell about the various cultures.

STUDENT AND TEACHER ROLES: The Student’s role through out the unit will be to work cooperatively with others to create various projects. They will also help others to understand the differences and similarities between our culture and the ones we studied. The teacher’s role is to guide the students to the places they can find information on their various cultures. The teacher will also help the students when they have questions about the directions or steps through out the projects.



World Book Encyclopedia



World Atlas


The Seven Days of Kwanzaa, by Angela Sheif Medearis

The Spirit of Tio Fernando: A Day of the Dead Story, by Janice Levy

The Uninvited Guest and Other Jewish Holiday Tales, by Nina Jaffe

Weather, by Brian Cosgrove, 1991

The Eyewitness of the World, by Deni Brown, 1994

Multicultural Fables and Fairy Tales: Stories and Activities to Promote Literacy and Cultural Awareness, by Tara McCarthy


Title1: Scholastic

URL1: www.scholastic.com

Description1: This web site has a special multicultural project. As an extension, the teacher can have the students go to this site and leave a good will message to other children around the world. It also allows the students to share facts about their cultures.

Title2: The World Factbook

URL2: www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html

Description2: This web site contains the world factbook. Teachers and students can access the most updated information on countries.

Title3: Infonation: Choose Countries

URL3: www.un.org/Pubs/CyberschoolBus/infonation/e-infonation.htm

Description3: This is a site where the teachers can ask for information about other countries and the United Nation provides the information the teachers ask for.

Title4: Proteacher

URL4: www.proteacher.com

Description4: This site contains activities, units and links that can be used to teach about cultural differences and how to be tolerant of them.

Title5: Kids Helping Kids: Activities and Resources for Teaching Peace

URL5: www.unicefusa.org/issues96/sep96/guide/english.html

Description5: This site contains activities that allow the students the chance to strengthen their language arts, math, and leadership skills while learning about the lives of children around the world.

Title6: Geography World

URL6: members.aol.com/bowermanb/101.html

Description6: This site is filled with links to other wonderful geography web sites.


Title 1: Holidays on the Net

URL 1: www.holidays.net

Purpose of Use 1: The students will visit this site to gather information about holidays celebrated around the world.

Description 1: This site provides information about holidays that are celebrated around the world. It also gives the history of the holidays.

Title 2: Maps and References

URL 2: www.cgrer.uiowa.edu/servers/servers_references.html

Purpose of Use 2: The students will visit this site to gather information on the countries they are studying.

Description 2: This web site contains maps and interactive map skill activities.

Title 3: Scholastic

URL 3: www.scholastic.com

Purpose of Use 3: The students will visit this site to gather information about various cultures around the world.

Description 3: This site contains a unit on multicultural awareness. It also has links to other sites that are helpful.

Title 4: Ask Jeeves for Kids

URL 4: www.ajkids.com

Purpose of Use 4: The students will visit this site to find relevant links to gather information about their projects.

Description 4: This is a search engine for kids to use to find web sites and articles on the web.

Title 5: Atlapedia Online

URL 5: www.atlapedia.com

Purpose of Use 5: The students will visit this site to gather information for their projects.

Description 5: This site contains information on every country in the world. It is very informative and easy for the students to use.

Title6: MCC Multicultural Calendar

URL6: www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/MCC

Purpose of Use 6: The students will visit this site to gather information on the cultures of other countries.

Description 6: This site contains information on the holidays and customs of other countries.


Activity Title: Where in the World Are They?

Overview: The students will communicate with children from other countries and find those countries on a world map.

Objectives: In this lesson, students will be able to:

Materials: World Map, Computers, Internet, Push pins



    1. The students will be given an e-pals’ name and web address. They will then go to the computer lab and send an e-mail to their e-pals. This e-mail will consist of a description of themselves and questions about where their e-pal is located.
    2. They will then wait to receive a response. Once they receive a response, they will print it out.
    3. The teacher will put up a world map on the wall and each student will be given the chance to locate their e-pal’s country and put a pushpin and their name on the map at that location.
    4. The class will discuss what we notice about the locations and how these countries might differ from our own.

Evaluation: The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title: Word Web

Overview: The students will use Inspiration to create a word web on cultures.

Objectives: In this lesson, the students will be able to:

Materials: Inspiration program, computers, word list


    1. What do you think the word culture means?
    2. What are some words that identify characteristics of your culture?
    3. What are some categories that we find under culture?


    1. Students will be asked to list things that differ from one culture to another.
    2. The teacher puts the students into groups of two and they must use Inspiration to classify the words into categories.
    3. The class compares the word webs and they discuss what defines a culture.

Evaluation: The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- Holidays around the World

Overview- Using the Internet, the students research various holidays in other countries. They then fill in the Celebrations Around the World Grid and nominate a new holiday for the Unite States to celebrate.

Objectives- In this lesson the students will be able to:

Materials- Computer, Microsoft Word, Internet, Celebrations Around the World worksheet, paper and pencil.


    1. What holidays do you celebrate?
    2. What cultures celebrate these holidays?
    3. What holiday would you like for the United States to start celebrating?


    1. The teacher asks the students about the holidays they celebrate.
    2. The students explain what culture celebrates each holiday.
    3. The students then go to the computer lab and are given web sites to go to to gather information on other holidays that are celebrated around the world.
    4. The students will record their information on the worksheet provided.
    5. The students go back to the classroom and choose one holiday they would like to celebrate in the United States.
    6. The students write a persuasive essay discussing why the United States should celebrate that holiday.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- How do We Compare?

Overview- Using e-pals, the students will communicate with students from other countries and gather information on their cultures.

Objectives- In this lesson, the students will be able to:

    1. Effectively communicate with others
    2. Record and gather information

Materials- Computer with Internet, paper, pencils and the list of questions to ask.


    1. What holidays do you celebrate?
    2. What is the weather like where you live?
    3. What kinds of foods do you eat?
    4. What games do you like to play?
    5. What is the geography of your area?
    6. Where do you go to school and for how long? How many years?


    1. The students go to he computer lab and get onto the Internet.
    2. They go to the e-pals web site and send their list of questions.
    3. They fill in a Venn Diagram and compare and contrast their answers to their e-pals’ answers.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- Forcasting the Weather

Overview- Using e-pals, the students will communicate with students from other countries and gather information on their weather.

Objectives- In this lesson, the students will be able to:

    1. Effectively communicate with others
    2. Record and gather information
    3. Create a graph and chart

Materials- Computer with Internet, Microsoft Word, paper and pencil


    1. How does weather affect your life?
    2. What is the temperature today?
    3. What has the weather been like for the last two weeks?
    4. How is our weather different than your e-pals’ weather?


    1. Ask the students to list ways the weather affects their lives.
    2. Share with the class the various lists.
    3. Take the students to the computer lab. They communicate with their e-pals and ask them the same list of questions.
    4. The students use the data they collected from their e-pals and create a chart that shows the weather for the last two weeks.
    5. They will use Microsoft Word to create a chart of the temperatures and a bar graph of sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, etc. days.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- What’s on the Menu?

Overview- Using e-pals, the students will communicate with students from other countries and gather information on what foods they eat.

Objectives- In this lesson the students will be able to:

    1. Effectively communicate with others
    2. Record and gather information
    3. Create a menu of foods

Materials- Computer with Internet, paper and pencil


    1. What kinds of foods do you like to eat?
    2. How many meals do you eat in a day?
    3. Who makes the meals each day?


    1. The students go to the computer lab and ask their e-pals the list of questions.
    2. The students use the information they gathered to create a menu of what they would serve if they lived in their e-pals’ countries.
    3. The students present their menus to the class.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- Games Around the World

Overview- Using e-pals, the students will communicate with students from other countries and gather information on the types of games they play.

Objectives- In this lesson, the students will be able to:

    1. Effectively communicate with others.
    2. Accurately record information
    3. Create a presentation using the information gathered

Materials- Computer with Internet, paper, pencil, equipment for presentations


    1. What types of games do you play?
    2. What is your favorite game?
    3. How do you play that game?
    4. What equipment do you need to play that game?


    1. The students go to the computer lab and ask their e-pals the list of questions.
    2. They use the information to create a presentation of one game they learned about.
    3. The students teach the rest of the class the game they learned about.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- Fairy Tales from Other Countries

Overview- In this lesson, students will use Microsoft Word to write their own fairy tale.

Objectives- In this lesson, the students will be able to:

    1. Compare and contrast a fairy tale told from two different cultures.
    2. Effectively use Microsoft Word
    3. Use proper punctuation, grammar and sentence structure
    4. Identify aspects of a different culture

Materials- Computers, Microsoft Word, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and Lon Po Po


    1. What were some differences in the two stories?
    2. Why do you think they were different?
    3. What affect did the cultures have on the stories’ outcomes?
    4. Where on the map is China?
    5. Where on the map is the United States?
    6. Could location have made a difference? Why or why not?


    1. The teacher reads Little Red Riding Hood and the class discusses the story.
    2. The teacher then reads Lon Po Po by Ed Young.
    3. We discuss how the cultures affected the stories.
    4. We then discuss how the two stories are similar and different.
    5. The students then need to read Cinderella and write how it might be written from the point of view of another country. They will use Microsoft Word to write the story from their e-pals’ countries’ point of view.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- World News Reports

Overview- The students will create a news report using the information they have gathered through out the unit.

Objectives- In this lesson the students will be able to:

    1. Identify aspects of other cultures
    2. Create a presentation using the information gathered


Materials- Video camera, paper, pencils, props and information that has been gathered


    1. What should your news report consist of?
    2. What role is each person going to play in the presentation?
    3. What are you going to need for props and back drops?


    1. The teacher puts the students in groups according to what continent their countries are on.
    2. The groups must put together a newscast using the information they gathered about their countries.
    3. The groups present their news reports in front of the class and the teacher videotapes the presentations.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:


Activity Title- Multicultural Fair

Overview- The students create booths to display their projects and materials. The school visits the booths and listens to the students present their information.

Objectives- In this lesson the students will be able to:

    1. Present their information in a clear and concise manner
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of the various cultures

Materials- Projects that are completed, booths, tables, televisions, and v.c.r.’s


    1. What have you learned in this unit?
    2. What would you like others to learn about the countries?
    3. What do your projects depict?


    1. The teacher explains how the fair will be set up.
    2. The students create displays using the information they collected.
    3. The students set up their displays in an area large enough to hold them all.
    4. The school visits these displays and each student tells the important information they learned about the various cultures.

Evaluation- The students will be assessed on the following:



Includes information from each students research 10

Each Group member must participate in presentation 10

Presentation is organized and visuals are neatly done 10

Presentation runs smoothly and students are well prepared 10

Public Speaking Skills 10

Creativity 50

Total Points 100