Solar System and Stars



Author:  Gayles E. Evans


Theme: Exploring the Solar System


Broad Concept:  Survival


Grades:               7-8


Integrated Subjects


Language Arts




Unit Goals: As a result of studying this unit, students will become knowledgeable about the nine planets and where they are located in our solar systems. Through their understanding, students will develop an appreciation of the importance of the solar system in their lives.


Time Frame: 2 weeks



  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to use a variety of online searching tools to locate information about the solar system.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and locate the nine planets in the solar system.
  3. Students will become familiar with different types of planet surfaces.
  4. Students will become familiar with the rotation of the solar system.
  5. Students will become familiar with a variety of print resources relating to the solar system.





Internet NASA program

Internet Model of Planets

On-line Reference Books


Microsoft Word Journal

KidPix software program

Art and Poetry Software


State Standards Addressed by This Unit:

Language Arts


State Goal 1      Read with understanding and fluency

State Goal 3      Write to communicate for a variety of purposes

State Goal 4       Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations

Content Standard

2K                    Select and use a wide range of instructional resources and

                            technologies to support reading, writing, and research



State Goal 12     Have a working knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles

                           of the life, physical, and earth/space sciences and their connections.


Earth and Space Science

3A                     Understand the physical and chemical atmospheric and geologic

                          characteristics and orbit factors of the sun and its planets


3 C                   Understand the scientific basis for understanding various atmospheric

                          solar, and celestial phenomena, such as eclipses, seasons, phases,

                         apparent motion of objects, auroras, etc.


Library Information Specialist

2A                  Teaches and directs students and staff use of information resources

                        available within the library resource area, to include print, non-print

                        electronic retrieval storage systems, the Internet, on-line databases,

                        and access to the local and regional library collection holdings for

                        possible inter-library loan requests




NETS-1-A   Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature an operations of technology systems

NETS-S-3.A Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

NETS-S-5.B  Students use technology tools to process data and report results.


Student and Teacher Activities:


Teacher will act as a facilitator to promote engaged learning


Teacher Strategies


Lesson 1


The teacher will develop and provide handouts for the students relating to the assignments on the historical development of the solar system


The teacher will group the students in groups of 4 by using an alternate number process. Each student will count off by four. All of the ones will be one group, all of the two’s will be the second group, all of the threes will be one group, and all of the fours will be one group.


The teacher will play portions of the CD-Rom the “The planets”. The group will discuss the CD-Rom.



Lesson 2


The teacher will develop a handout to distribute to the students to do research using On-line resources NASA relating to the PLANETS to find out information on the solar system and why and how the planets received their names.


Lesson 3


The students will be grouped by using selected birthday months in four groups. All of the students born in the months of January through March will be group one, April to June will be group two, August to September will be group three, and October to December will be group four.


The teacher will direct students to write in their journal their findings about an assigned planet using Microsoft Word on the following: Size, atmosphere, distance from earth, and number of moons

Student will be guided in an oral discussion comparing their selected planets on the new discoveries. The teacher will show the students Web Quest sites relating to the solar system.


Lesson 4


The teacher will provide NASA’s web address so students individually will engage in communication with an individual in NASA.


The teacher will act as a guide to make sure the conversations are logical and related to the topic of finding out more information on their assigned planet.


Lesson 5


The teacher will act as a guide to lead students in a discussion on issues relating to how

technology can assist scientist on tracking old and new moons.


Lesson 6


Teacher will show a video about the nine planets.

Teacher will ask the question, “ How do you locate the planets in the solar system?”

The teacher will ask the students how do the planets as it relates to the rotation and the

effects on the solar system.


Lesson 7


Teacher have students record in their journals their findings on the planets. Teacher will

have  students create different designs in their journals.


Lesson 8


Teacher will guide students into websites of different forms poetry. The teacher will install Art and Poetry software.


Lesson 9


The teacher will assist students in the design of their KidPix presentation based on print and on-line research. The teacher will provide a rubric for the evaluation of the project. Students will use the information obtained to write a 5 page reports in a journal in Microsoft word and create a five-slide presentation in KidPix.


Lesson 10


The teacher will act as a facilitator and guide to assist students in publishing their

creative design of their journal entries on the planets, the poetry, and their Kid Pix

presentations. The teacher will ask the library media specialist if the presentations can be

cataloged and put On-line in the school library media center.



Student Activities


Lesson 1


SA:    The students will write in their journal how the CD-Rom selections of “The    

           Planets” changed their mood. Students will discuss the composition in their group:

            Is the composition joyful, sad, represent war, or peace?


Lesson 2


SA:     Students will search a virtual library for a 30-minute research using the Internet

           and print resources to find out information about the planets and how they were



Lesson 3


SA:     Student will discuss in groups using e-mail about: the similar and different things about their selected planets in the following:

           Size, atmosphere, distance from earth, and number of moons.

           Students will watch a Web Quest presentation about the solar system and record

           information in their journal using Microsoft Word. In their group the students

            will evaluate the Web Quest site for the following issues: color, font, text,

            assignment, and assessment.


Lesson 4


SA:     The students will e-mail a scientist in NASA five questions relating to their planet.

            Student will be asked to compare their selected planets in the following:

           Size, atmosphere, distance from earth, and number of moons



Lesson 5


SA:       Students will respond to the instructor and their classmates in class by using e-

             mail in a list-serve about the rotation of the planets. The students will provide

            three URL addresses in the e-mail message.


Lesson 6


SA:        Students will record their findings in their journal using Microsoft Word. The

              students will use different colors of the letters, fonts, font sizes, and pictures

              relating to the planet using Clip Art and the Internet.



Lesson 7


SA:     Students in their group will critique each other’s journal and make

           suggestions about grammatical errors. The students will

           return to their individual writing and they will use the computers’

          spell check and make the necessary corrections.

           Students will create art designs using Clip Art or the Internet.


Lesson 8


SA         Students will individually create on Microsoft Word a five-line poem about the

              selected planet. The poem can be a concrete, haiku, shape poem, or lyric.

              Student will use the software program Art and Poetry.


Lesson 9


SA:     Students will create in their group a model of their planets using KidPix.

           Students will alternate using the KidPix Program to design each planet and the

           surrounding moons

           Students will design a 5-slide presentation using KidPix on an assigned planet.

           Each student will give an oral presentation on his or her assigned planet.


Lesson 10


SA:      Students will print their creative journal entries and the KidPix

            presentation. The documents will be published and place in the school

            library media center.




Students will design a presentation using KidPix on a planet.

Students will use the Internet to research authentic information on the planets





              KidPix PRESENTATION



Student will create five slides in KidPix on the selected planet.

Slide one will be your name, the planet name, and date.

Slide two must provide information on name of the planet.

Slide two will include five lines of information about the planet.

Slide two must have a picture of the planet.

Slide three must have a picture and the name of the closest planet.

Slide four must have a picture and name of the fastest planet

Slide five must have your bibliography of where you found the information





Addresses nine of the central theme of the selected planet

Mechanically free of errors



Excellent choice of background

Excellent choice of sound

Excellent choice of font

Slides will be shown in order of presentation

Well organized

Extremely creative


2 Points


Addresses five of the central theme of the selected planet

Relatively free of mechanical errors


Good choice of background

Good choice of sound

Good choice of font

Slides shown in order of presentation

Some what organized

Some what creative


1 Point



Addresses only two central themes of the selected planet

Poor mechanics




Poor choice of background

Poor choice of sound

Poor choice of font

Slides not shown in order of presentation

Not organized

Not creative


0 Point

Did not complete the Kidpix presentation

                    Journal Rubric

4 points


1.Students will address all four of the central themes on the assigned planet

      Name of the planet, size, moons, distance from earth

2. No grammatical errors

3. Student will have a variety of five different colors, size of letters, different fonts, different font sizes, and pictures from Clip Art and/or the Internet.


3 points


1. Students will address three of the central themes

2. Students will have some grammatical errors

3. Students will have three different colors, size of letters, three font sizes, and three clip art pictures


2 points

1. Students will address two of the central themes

2. Students will have several grammatical errors

3. Students will have two different colors, size of letters, three font sizes, and three clip art pictures


1 point

1. Students will address one of the central themes

2. Students will have many grammatical errors

3. Students will have one different colors, size of letters, one-font sizes, and two clip art pictures


0 point

Student did not complete the assignment





3 points


1, Student will create five-line poem about their selected planet

       The poem can be a concrete, haiku, shape poem or a lyric poem

2, Student will use Clip Art or the Internet to include Art


2 points


1, Student will create a four-line poem about their selected planet

       The poem can be a concrete, haiku, shape poem or a lyric poem

2, Student will use Clip Art or the Internet to include Art


1 point


1, Student will create a two-line poem about their selected planet

       The poem that is not a concrete, haiku, shape poem or a lyric poem

2, Student will not use Clip Art or the Internet to include Art


0 point


Student will not complete the assignment


         NASA e-Mail Assignment Rubric

3 points


Student will e-mail NASA the following five questions relating to their assigned planet:

Name of the planet, size, moons, distance from earth, technology benefits of tracking planet’s moons.


2 points

Student will e-mail NASA and ask less than three of following five questions relating to their assigned planet:

Name of the planet, size, moons, distance from earth, technology benefits of tracking planet’s moons.


1 point


Student will e-mail NASA and ask less than two the following five questions relating to their assigned planet:

        Name of the planet, size, moons, distance from earth, technology benefits of tracking planet’s moons.


0 point

Student will not complete the e-mail assignment.


              Instructor and Classmate list-serve

3 points

Student will use a list-serve to provide classmates and instructor three URL addresses relating to their selected planet rotation information.


2 points

Student will use a list serve to provide classmates and instructor two URL addresses relating to their selected planet rotation information.


1 point


Student will use a list serve to provide classmates and instructor one or less URL addresses relating to their selected planet rotation information.


0 point

Student will not complete the assignment


Word List





















Fradin, D. B. (1997). The planet hunters: The search for other worlds. New York:


                 Margaret K. McElderry Books.


Greeley, R. (1997). The NASA Atlas of the solar system. New York: Cambridge


                University Press.


McGraw-Hill. (2000). Encyclopedia of science and technology. New York


                McGraw Hill.


Word Book Encyclopedia. (2003). Chicago: Word Book Encyclopedia



Cadigan, P. (2002). Lost in space promised land.


Engdaht, S. (1994). Space and human survival: My view on the importance of colonizing




Ethier, B (2002). Fly me to the mood lost in space with the mercury generation.


Fowler, A. (1992). The Sun’s family of planets. Chicago: Childrens Press.


Morrison, D. (1993). Exploring planetary worlds. New York: Scientific American




NASA Liftoff to Learning (2002). {Video Series}. NASA’s Educational Division


National Geographic, (1996). Orbit: NASA Astronauts photograph the earth. National




National Geographic, (1998). Discover Mars.


Seymour,S. (1992). Our solar system. New York: Morrow Junior Books


Web Sites

History of Space Flight. (?) [On-line]


                Available:  http://mirkwood,


Laughlin, (?). (1998). Do you have the right stuff: A trip to NASA  [On-line] Available:




Marshall Space Flight Center.(?). NASA Kids: Space Science-Pioneers and Astronauts)


              [On-line}.Available: http://kids.msfc.nasa,gov/Pioneers


Marshall Space Flight Center (?). NASA Kids: Space Science/Stars. [On-line].


             Available: http//kids.


National Geographic.(?).DestinationSpace..[On-line].


              Available: Star Journey:


              Hubble Images and A Star Map


NASA. (2002). The Planets. [On-line]. Available:


NASA. (2002). Planets. [On-line]. Available: