UNIT TITLE:  Weather and Climate

Author: John Banks
E-Mail Address: banksj184@aol.com
School: Washington School Harvey IL.
School Home Page URL: NA


BROAD CONCEPT: Motivation, Appreciation of Nature

GRADES: 4th Grade

INTEGRATED SUBJECTS: Science, Social Studies, English

Reading and Writing

  The students will gain a great knowledge about weather by using resources such as the computer, observing meteorologists, and doing hands on experiments.

  The teacher will learn how students work together cooperatively to learn and make connections about weather. This unit will be evaluated on the accuracy and

  completeness of the students work. On some assignments, the students will be evaluated by their active participation throughout the lesson. Most of the

  assignments will be evaluated using a rubric, meaning that the students will get the maximum number of points if they meet a certain criteria. If they miss

  parts of the criteria, then they lose points. Basically, the unit will be evaluated as ongoing. This unit touches on several of the Illinois Learning Standards.

TIME FRAME: (at least 10 days of one activity per day)
                            10 days


In this lesson, students will:


·         The students will explain everything they know about weather.

·         The students will complete a K.W. L. chart to assess their learning about weather using computer and internet access.

·         The students will identify symbols associated with weather.

·         The students will observe a meteorologist on T.V. by watching the news with parents.

·         The students will verbally present a weather report in front of a class.

·         The students will create a visual drawing of their selected weather word.

·         The students will gain an understanding of the water cycle, and the idea of conservation.

·         The students will actively listen while the book “The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks” is read.

·         The students will be able to describe the climate in their region and the climate of different regions in the U.S.

·         The students will write a formal letter to a friend or family member describing the weather and climate in their region.

          The students will identify types of clouds associated with weather.

·         The students will create their own clouds using cotton balls and glue.

·         The students will observe how a cloud forms by doing a hands on experiment.

·         The students will create, illustrate and write their own book about weather.




__Desktop Publishing- (ex. Print Artist)         __ Brainstorming (ex.Inspiration)

  _Word Processing (ex. MS Word)               __Spreadsheet (ex. Cruncher)

__CD-ROM Encyclopedia (ex. Encarta)    __ Database (ex. MS Works)

__ Multimedia                                             __Other software pertaining to unit

Students will use Microsoft Word in the Computer lab

Students will use Kid Pix software to draw their illustrations about weather.


I.S.G. 17.A.1a  Identify physical characteristics of places, both local and global such as locations, roads, regions, bodies of water.

I.S.G. 17.A.2a  Compare the physical characteristics of places including soils, landforms, vegetation, wildlife, climate, and natural hazards.

I.S.G.   3.A.2   Write paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types; appropriate use of the eight parts of speech; and accurate spelling,

                         capitalization and punctuation.

I.S.G.  5.A.1b  Locate information using a variety of sources.

I.S.G.  5.C.1a  Write letters, reports and stories based on acquired information

I.S.G.  11.A.1a Describe an observed event

I.S.G.  11.A.2c Construct charts and visualizations to display data

I.S.G.  11.B.1b Build a device using the materials and tools provided.

I.S.G.  12.E.1b Identify and describe patterns of weather and seasonal change.

I.S.G.  12.E.2a Identify and explain natural cycles of the Earth’s land, water and atmospheric systems such as rock cycle, water cycle, weather patterns.






In lesson 1, the students will explain to the teacher everything they know about weather. A K.W.L. Chart will be used as a model to assess their

learning as the weather unit progresses. The students will go to the computer lab and research information on weather using internet selected sites.

The students will research information about weather and record what they have learned on their K.W.L. Charts. Teacher will discuss with  class

what they found and learned about weather.


In lesson 2, the students will identify symbols used in forecasting weather. The students will match the picture with the correct weather word.

The teacher will hold up a weather symbol. The student has to guess what kind of weather the symbol represents. The teacher then reads the card

for them. As an extension of the lesson, the teacher could ask during the activity, “what would you wear in this type of weather?”


In lesson 3, the students will accurately spell weather words by doing a kinesthetic body motion. Each student will be assigned a particular

weather word to learn how to spell. The teacher will model how to spell the words using a kinesthetic body motion.(Tall letters equal hands to

the sky, middle letters equal hands reached out sideways, and low hanging letters equal hands to their toes). The students will participate

in the activity. The students will then create a drawing of their own word using Kid Pix software or features on Microsoft Word.


In lesson 4, the students will listen to a story on the water cycle. The teacher will read “The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks” by Joanna

Cole. Teacher will discuss what happens to water on earth. The students will select their favorite part of the story, and draw a picture of it,

using Kid Pix. The students will then explain their drawings to the class.


In lesson 5, the students will identify types of clouds. The teacher will show a variety of pictures of different clouds. The teacher will explain that

all clouds are not the same. The students will create their own clouds using cotton balls, glue and construction paper.


In lesson 6, the students will observe how a cloud forms. The teacher will demonstrate the procedure in making a cloud in a bottle. ‘

The students will work in groups to create their own cloud in a bottle. During the experiment, the students will using questioning to reach a

conclusion of what occurred. The students will then write what they observed in paragraph form.


In lesson 7, the students will watch the news with parents to observe a meteorologist. The Teacher will review the take home letter with students so

they may discuss with their parents. On the student’s assigned day, they will present a weather report in front of the class.


In lesson 8, the teacher will introduce climate regions of the U.S. The teacher will briefly review map skills, reviewing the United States, symbols

and scales used in maps. The teacher will then introduce the five types of climates in the U.S. These climates are: Polar, Humid & Cold, Dry,

Tropical, and Warm & Rainy. The teacher will divide the class in groups of 4 and give a each group a climate to look up with books provided.

The groups will then present to the class their type of climate.


In lesson 9, the students will write a letter to a person in a different climate, describing their own weather and climate. The teacher will

review the proper outline of a letter. The class will then write to someone in a different climate. (The teacher will give the student their own climate  that they live in to ensure they don’t write to someone in the same region). The students will edit each others writings in pairs before publishing

their final product. After editing, the students will use Microsoft Word in the computer lab to type their letters.


In lesson 10, the students will create, illustrate and write their own book about weather. The teacher will outline the criteria for the students

To follow for the assignment. The students will take 1 important aspect of weather that was discussed during the unit such as clouds, water cycle

climate etc. and create a story with appropriate illustrations.



  The students will work cooperatively in groups on activities to increase their learning about weather. The students will share with others what they found on their

  topics through research. The students will share with their parents what they have been learning about weather. The culminating project will be the students

  creating a weather book with illustrations. The rubric for the final project will be 50 points, divided into 5 areas: 1. grammar, punctuation, spelling,

  2.Creativity   3.Accuracy of Contents  4.Overall end product   5. Effort

The students will become actively engaged throughout the unit by participating in group and individual activities. The students will become responsible

for their own learning by researching information using materials provided. The students will conduct an experiment and will observe what and why things

occur. The teacher will serve as a facilitator. The teacher will briefly discuss the subject matter but will not lecture! The teacher will model what is

expected from the assignments. The teacher will monitor around each group and let the students explore on their own. The teacher will let the students take 

charge of their own learning through guided discovery.



Encyclopedias, Trade books on Weather and Climate


  A Book of Seasons by Alice and Martin Provensen

  Experiments with Weather by Miranda Boweer

  It’s Raining Cats and Dogs by Franklyn Branley

  Let’s Find Out About Weather by David Knight

  Magic School Bus At the Waterworks by Joanna Cole

 Weather Words and What They Mean by Gail Gibbons


Title1: U.S.A. Today Weather

URL1: http://www.usatoday.com

Description1: Offers local forecasts and forecasts over the world. Contains some very interesting articles.

Title2: The Weather Channel

URL2: http://www.weather.com

Description2: Offers forecasts and information about weather

Title3: Weather Underground

URL3: http://www.weatherunderground.com

Description3: Offers weather conditions for any part of the world

Title4: MSNBC

URL4: http://www.msnbc.com

Description4: Offers weather for any area of the world.

Title5: National Weather Service Forecast


Description5: Gives weather conditions in your town.

Title6: Geography Climate and Weather


Description6: Discovers climate and average weather in regions over the world.


Title1: Weather Basics

URL1: http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/weatherwise/factfilesthebasics/climate/whatisclimate.shtml

Purpose of Use1: To introduce what weather is and how it plays a vital role in our lives.

Description1: Discusses climate, earth and sun, atmosphere, sea and land, weather systems, clouds precipitation and wind.

They tell each one’s function they play in the weather we experience.

Title2: Rain and Snow


Purpose of Use2: To discover precipitation, the cause of it, it’s importance and how it is measured.

Description2:  Gives an overall discussion on precipitation and how it is measured.

Title3: Climate Change


Purpose of Use3: To let students discover how our climate changes and how it affects our environment.

Description3: Discusses how our climate is changing and the potential impact on earth.

Title4: Temperature

URL4:http:// www.bbc.co.uk/weatherwise/diy/weatherstation/temp_what.shtlm

Purpose of Use4: To let students learn how to measure temperature.

Description4: Discusses important facts on temperature, why it’s important, how to measure temperature

                       and how to make a thermometer.

Title5: Living with the Weather -Surroundings

URL5: http:// www.bbc.co.uk/weather/weatherwise/living/surrounsings/index.shtml

Purpose of Use5: This website would help students observe plants and animals in climates and what

                              affect weather has on them.

Description5: Discusses how plants and animals and landscape is affected by weather.

Title6: What is Weather

URL6: http:// www.bbc.co.uk/whatisweather/home.shtml

Purpose of Use6: To familiarize students about weather and how it affects they we live, dress, and

                              participate in outdoor activities.

Description6: Discusses how weather is created and it’s effect on our environment