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Vice City
Posted By Chris @ 08:15 am 13 Sept 2002
Sorry about the long time without an update but i have been very busy and have not hade time. But now i have returned and today i will give a huge update to the page. Lots of info is out and i will summerise this later but for now let me tell you that it has been confimed that you can steal the peoples rollerblades and nick off in them!!! Only in Vice! Also I had aquired the domain
www.gtacrib.tk so feel free to use that shortened one rather than the longer one!

Posted By Chris @ 08:15 am 13 Sept 2002
Sorry about lack of updates but there has been no news and i am working on some new pages. Gamesport has just reported some new information about Vice city, so here it is, NOT all of vice city will be availible from the start (
i prefer this more as you have new areas to unlock which is always fun, and i felt that having them all open from the start would defeat the point a bit for serious GTA gamers), you can shoot through windscreens and damage them with melee weapons, however gone of the days of carrying enough weaponry to fight a war single handed, oh yes the only example we were given was that only one or two melee (knifes,bats, chainsaws) waepons could be held at the same time! So presumably you will either have to drop another weapon where you stand of deposit it in your base.

Posted By Chris @ 08:15 am 09 Sept 2002
My prediction about the release date in the uk was right, the offical date for GTA Vice City in the UK is the 8th of November 2002, damn. We have had 150 hits on the site (yay!)

Posted By Chris @ 12:06 pm 07 Sept 2002
No real news still getting on with the gallerys (sorry), i'll try and add a new page or infomation later.

Posted By Chris @ 8:20 am 06 Sept 2002
Good news and bad news, the good news we have had over 100 hits, yay! But the bad news, GTA Vice City has been delayed, but only buy a week it will be released on the 29th october insted of the 22nd, it is unknown when it will come out in the UK hopefully the same day, but it will most likely be a few days later :(

Posted By Chris @ 8:13 pm 05 Sept 2002
new screenshots and postcards are going up now in the vice media section and i am still working on the gallerys.****Update**** New new gallerys are up but not finished
heres the link although they will be up on the navigation bar tomorrow but i cannot be bothered with it tonight because i have been fiddleing on with it for ages and i want to kill the person who invented geocities, no other news.
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