
"Transfixus Sed Non-Mortus"

USA Flag
Ireland Flag(animated) Family Surnames Researched to Date Norway Flag
Walsh Burk
Austria Flag Rollinger Grandberg Sweden Flag
Haberman Furlong
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And the search goes on ....

Picture of Thomas & Dorothy Walsh
Dorothy Walsh | Thomas Walsh
1921 - 1983 | 1916 - 1998
(In Memorium)

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Links I use
Walsh HeraldryWalsh Web site - This site has extensive information and links for the Walsh line
Tromsų Web site Tromsų Web site - This site has just about everything for the Researcher looking for their Ancestors from Tromsų, Norway
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Toolbox Button Cyndi's Genealogy Home Page Construction Kit
GENDEX -- Genelogical Index Web Site
The Surname Springboard -- Find other Websites researching your Surname
Genelogy Gateway -- This is a good place to start

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