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catholic christian links


ABOUT CATHOLIC SAINTS (an Italian web site in English language): SANTI E BEATI

AMERICAN CATHOLIC ONLINE Catholic and Christian information, whether in our online family magazine, the St. Anthony Messenger, or in our catalog of books, videos, audiocassettes and subscription products. Brought to you by St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications, Cincinnati, Ohio

APOSTOLATE FOR PERPETUAL ADORATION "I hope that this form of perpetual adoration, with permanent exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, will continue into the future. Specifically, I hope that the fruit of this Congress results in the establishment of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in all parishes and Christian communities throughout the world"

AQUINAS CAFE About Aquinas. Patrick and John's Aquinas Cafe, Catholic Philosophy and Theology, Dedicated to and Under the Patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas

ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORA Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland - The Nation's First Diocese - Founded iin 1789

ARCA INTERNET MAGAZINE, webmaster Fr. Emanuel Jurica Beros. Korablja na hrvatskom; also in English and Italian languages: Catholic and the World. Catholic in the World. Various aspects of Christian living - spirituality, arts, culture of living.  Arca World News. Newsletter Short Story Contest...)

BETHLEHEM 2000 UNESCO - Introduction Situated less than ten Kilometre from Jerusalem, Bethlehem is one of the beacons of spirituality in the Holy Land. According to Genesis, it was in Bethlehem that Rachel, the wife of Jacob, was buried. Her tomb is revered by Jewish,Christian and Moslem pilgrims alike. Around the year 1000 B.C., the village was part of the kingdom of David. Christian tradition has it that it was because Joseph and Mary belonged to the tribe of David that they journeyed from Nazareth to Bethlehem to have the birth of their new-born child registered.

BIBLICAL EVIDENCE FOR CATHOLICISM - Erasmus/ A biblical defense and amassing of evidence in favor of Catholic doctrines. Also, much on Church history, culture, British Isles, & quote pages for Muggeridge, Chesterton, Howard & C.S. Lewis. - Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman

BLESSED BISHOP EUGENE BOSSILKOV The Passionist Bishop and Martyr Eugene Bossilkov was born November 16, 1900 in Belene (Bulgaria), a village in the Danube Valley. His family were farmers and Catholics of the Latin Rite. They gave him the name Vincent at baptism.

CARMELNET Homepage of the Carmelite Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary The Carmelite Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary is a religious community of men in the Church, whose members, responding to the hunger for God in themselves and in the world, answer an interior call to prayer, community, and ministry.

CATHOLIC CANADA - Search Engine : a Canadian search engine of Catholic sites and resources on the web

CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia Catholic Charismatic Renewal — proclaiming a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

CATHOLICSOURCE "is dedicated to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, and following official teachings of the Church as contained in Scripture, Sacred Tradition, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Magisterium Catholicsource is a great resource in learning about the Catholic faith. It includes an active message board, many links to sites that explain and defend Catholicism. Information on Homeschooling. Regularly scheduled chats. This site provides Catholic information for all through Catholic links. A super site to learn about the Catholic Church".

Catholic Digest HELLO HEAVEN offers fresh, insightful, humorous play on inspirational issues for people of all faiths. Catholic Digest HELLO HEAVEN emphasizes spiritual, how-to advice for daily living

CATHOLIC DOORS MINISTRY The Catholic Doors Ministry presents spiritual doorways to Catholic correspondence Bible Courses, free Sunday and Holy day homilies, English and Latin prayers, electronic Holy postcards, etc.

Catholic Prayers A treasury of Catholic prayers.

Catholic Scripture Study: Bible Scripture Study on the Internet

Catholic World News An international, independent news organization, staffed by lay Catholic journalists, dedicated to providing accurate world news, written from a distinctly Catholic perspective.

Centre for Thomistic Studies, Sydney, Australia The Centre for Thomistic Studies, in Sydney, Australia, offers year-round courses in philosophy and theology, based on St. Thomas Aquinas and faithful to the Pope and Catholic Church teaching

CLC Christian Life Community - CANADA Parishes have responded in a variety of ways to meet this desire. "Renew" has been brought into parishes with the hope of generating new life; the OCIA has helped bond parishioners together as they journey with catechumens. These are only two of the many wonderful works of the Spirit which help to revitalize our Christian faith. After a parish has completed such intense programmes, however, liturgists, catechists and other parish team members are left with the question, "Where do we go from here?" One possible answer is the "Christian Life Community" (CLC) movement.

Community of the Brothers and Sisters of Christ The Community of the Brothers and Sisters of Christ is a Catholic community of Christian brothers, sisters, and families. The Community is a combined group of men and women who take up solitary and communal (in formation) vows of simplicity, obedience, and chastity in the Franciscan tradition.

Cursillos in Christianity - The Cursillo Movement of Toronto Christ and his Church need spiritually formed leaders for today's apostolate. One means for finding inspiration and direction for Christian leadership is the Cursillo.

D.I.A. - Documentation et Informations Africainnes In more than 40 years of existence, D.I.A. has contributed in making known to the world the cultural, ecclesial, political and socio-economic realities of Africa in general and of the Congo in particular. Since 1991, it has made a clear option for the promotion of justice, and for the conscientization of the African people to the effort for the building of truly human and democratic societies, in a specifically Christian perspective.

Diocese of Venice in Florida Official website of the Diocese of Venice in Florida which includes directories of clergy, parishes and schools as well as Mass schedules for all churches and missions in Southwest Florida and useful information

Evangelisation and the Catholic Churc School of Evangelisation news

EWTN - Eternal Word Television Network The Website of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) featuring programming information for EWTN Television & WEWN radio, a digital Document Library, an Audio Library, Catholic Q&A, Catholic News

Father Francis Peffley's Web Site Home Page Web Site for Father Francis J. Peffley

HAWAII CATHOLIC CONFERENCE Pono Net is the Website of the Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii

INTernational WEBsite of parish CELLS of evangelization a new manner to live its Faith in all countries

JERUSALEM 2000 This Website will help you on your journey towards the third Millennium, and especially Jerusalem 2000.

JUBILAEUM The Jubilee from the hebrew origins to the Christian significance

KEEPING CATHOLICS CATHOLIC PAGE Keeping Catholics Catholic is an online ministry dedicated to teaching and educating all Christians anout the Catholic Faith founded by Jesus Christ.

LAMP MINISTRIES LAMP Ministries is a Catholic missionary service among the materially poor, with a particular focus to evangelization. Through the pages of this Website, we hope that you will come to know this ministry and the unique and pioneer mission that it provides. We also hope that you will be inspired to pray for LAMP, contribute to its outreaches or possibly consider joining us for a year or more of service.

Lumen 2000 International Organization of Catholic Christian television Lumen 2000 is an international organization of Catholic Christian television producers .

Marian Cenacle Movement (MIM Pro Familia) The MARIAN CENACLE is a Catholic movement of families dedicated to prayer and works for the sanctification of the members of Christian families under the maternal graces of the Immaculate Virgin. Being an extension for families of the Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix Movement (MIM), the MARIAN CENACLE consecrates its members to the Immaculate according to the spirit of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe and under the guidance of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

My Catholic Garden: catholic poems © CTherese; and, please, look for her new website (English and Italian languages): CTherese's Catholic Garden

National Conference of Catholic Bishops - United States The National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the United States Catholic Conference (USCC) are the organizations of the United States Catholic bishops. Through these organizations, the bishops fulfill their responsibilities of leadership and service to Church and nation.

NEWMAN Catholic Apologetic Resources This site hopes to provide a handy resource for helping to explain orthodox Catholic Christian teachings, aswell as providing links to many useful Catholic websites.

NEWMAN - Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman The "Father" of the Second Vatican Council

NOMADELFIA, A NEW PEOPLE A group of catholic volunteers that wishes to construct a new civilization based on the Gospel a life on the style of the first christian communities

ORDER OF PREACHERS - DOMINICANS We are ...a Roman Catholic Religious Order Dedicated to Preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ

PASSIONIST HOME PAGE They are a group of Christian men, both ordained and non-ordained, who live in community and announce to the men and women of our times the Gospel of Christ. This community of apostles was founded by Paul of the Cross (Paolo Danei 1694-1775) in 1720. The founder saw in the Passion of Jesus "the greatest work of divine Love" and the revelation of the power of the Resurrection  to overcome the forces of evil. He bequeathed to his followers the task of announcing to their contemporaries the love of God for each and every person shown in the passion and death of Jesus who rose victorious on Easter day.

Resurrection House of Prayer The Sons and Daughters of the Resurrection, based at Resurrection House of Prayer Village Community in Northwest Arkansas, is a Roman Catholic Community under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Little Rock. We have freely chosen to live a life of prayer and intercession for the good of all the People of God. We began our formation as a Community in 1991. At that time we were rather loosely organized though we knew that we were called to live as a village community within the Catholic Church. When we spoke of this to our Bishop, Andrew J. McDonald, he suggested that we put something in writing and send it to him.

Roman Catholic Distributors Roman Catholic Distributors: We sell Christian items over the Internet. Catholic Rosary Beads, Books,Bibles, etc. We also offer a Catholic Services page with Prayers and Instruction on The Holy Rosary and Stations of The Cross

SACRAMENTS The Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, through which Divine life is given. There are seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders. The seven Sacraments span all stages of natural life and all important moments of the Christian life.

Sacred Space Guides you step-by-step through a ten-minute session of prayer, centred on a new passage of scripture every day. Produced by the Irish Jesuits.

Saints Clement of Alexandria and Maximus the Confessor Homepage

St. Joseph Radio "Your Worldwide Evangelization Network"

St. Joseph's Covenant online resource for dads St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers (i.e. SJCK) is an informal international network of Christian men, under the patronage of St. Joseph, dedicated to strengthening

St. Theresa Parish, Webmaster John Quinn: "Welcome to the website of St Theresa's Roman Catholic Church. We are situated in the lovely village of Sion Mills which is in County Tyrone in the northwest of Ireland. We are a part of the Diocese of Derry. In our website we will inform people of our history, our church, our patron saint as well as local news and news of the schools in our parish. We will also include some photographs and information on our church services.The aim of our website is to let the world know about us and we welcome any comments about our website. We would like especially to hear from former parishioners of Sion Mills who are now living all around the world. We have a guestbook where comments and messages can be left."

SPIRITUALITY FOR TODAY An interactive monthly magazine dedicated to a variety of current themes and questions concerning the Christian faith in this postmodern age.

THE ABBEY OF MONTECASSINO The Montecassino Monastery was founded by St. Benedict about 529 of the Christian Era on the remnants of a preexisting Roman fortification of the municipium Casinum. The heathen cult was still practised on this mountain site in the temple of Apollo and in a nearby holy grove to which a sacrifice area was adjoining

The Catholic Christian Homepage Enter all who desire the fullness of a relationship with Jesus Christ. God bless you!"

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN PAKISTAN From the very beginning of Christianity, already in apostolic times, attempts were made to preach the Christian religion in what is now Pakistan. The first to come this territory was one of the Twelve: ST. THOMAS or less likely, ST. BARTHOLOMEW. His presence the Court of Gondopharnes, the famous king reigning at TAXILA, near Rawalpindi between 19 and 45 AD, is now universally admitted by historians. However, nothing very certain is known about his activities and influence. According to Eusebius, the early church historian, it would seem that in the third century Christian communities still existed in the provinces of the North West.

The Catholic Goldmine One of the most comprehensiveCatholic webpages on the internet. over 2,200 links and an easy to use format.

THE CATHOLIC PARADISE You will be able to find in this website the life of exemplaries people,devotions, prayers, etc. This website is the English version of "Javier's Catholic Web", and will be kept up to date frequently. That is why I expect you to come back soon to THE CATHOLIC PARADISE

The Church and the Franciscan Monastery at Gorica What we see at Gorica today has come down to us from the 19th, and the 20th centuries. Has there not been anything older; has the Christianity come to this region as late as that? No, it has not. There are many vestiges in this area even of the early Christian era and of the old Croatian Christian art from the 9th to the 12th century. There had also been a Franciscan monastery at Livno, about two kilometers to the north from Gorica, in the 14th century. With the Turkish invasion in the 15th century all this came to an end: all the churches and other religious houses were destroyed and no churches were allowed to be built here for a period of almost four centuries. Divine services were held in the open or in a hayloft. Only in the middle of the 19th century the Turkish government allowed to build this and some other churches.

THE CRISTIANS CATACOMBS OF ROMA This site is intended for people who wish to deepen their knowledge of the Christian Catacombs of Rome and of the Church history in its origins. The site provides extensive material, in separate sections, dealing with this fascinating and largely unknown topic.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God. Mary, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God. A Catholic Christian Resource. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, and Catholic resources. One of the largest Marian sites on the Internet. Prayers, apparitions, devotions, art, images, apologetics, discussion forums, chat room, and much more. 3 sites in one!

The Mary Page Web site of  The Marian Library International Marian Research Institute, an international center of research and study on the role of Mary in Christian life whose purpose is to present information about the Mother of Jesus and to lead people to a loving knowledge of her who is the first and most holy of the faithful.

The Military Martyrs Translations of the passions of the Christian military martyrs who died during the late Roman period

THE NEOCATECHUMENATE - An itinerary of Christian formation at the service of the parish At the threshold of the third Millennium, confronted by widespread secularization, the attacks of sects, the isolation of the individual in the large cities, the destruction of the family, etc., the Church needs an itinerary of Catholic formation that will lead the parish to be "community of communities"

The St. Thomas More The Life and Works of Sixteenth Century English Author, Scholar, Statesman, and Saint Thomas More

The Ultimate Catholic Midi Collection There are lots of place on the net where a person can download classical and general Christian midi files. There is, at this time, a lack of sites that offer Catholic midi files, or Christian music whose messages and meaning fits with the truths taught by the Catholic Faith. So it is our hope to help individuals, parishes and organizations by providing this resource - more on the details for using these are below.

Word of God Hour Roman Catholic meditations on the Sunday Lectionary (Readings from the Bible) for each Sunday of the liturgical year (A,B,C); interpreting the liturgy of the Word for catechetical instruction and spiritual nourishment.



PROFETA Catholic Search Engine - Motore di ricerca cattolico



 that appear at first catholic but that are not catholic, because they contest parts of the catholic doctrine:

* "Fascinating Reading of the Holy Bible for Roman Catholics - Fascinating Reading of the Holy Bible for Roman Catholics is a website presented to be just that. It is our desire that the readers of these home pages will receive the free gift of eternal life and the forgiveness of all sins which comes solely by faith in none other than God's Son Jesus Christ."

This website claims there is no Purgatory, and Mary was not Immaculately Conceived. It's not a catholic site. Besides, with reference to other concepts,  this site do not know the true catholic idea. For example, they suppose that the catholic Christians believe the Salvation is received by works; but Catholics are not Pelagians! Catholics believe that works are necessary to obey our Lord Jesus Christ, the - only - Saviour.


I second  the announcements of the Oecumenical Council Vatican II and I am favorable to dialogue, on the ground of  the common christian faith in the Revived Christ, the Redeemer; but I am sure that Christians who fight the Catholic Church have to announce publicy their idea before to begin the dialogue. "Yes, yes - No, no".

God bless everyone, God is our Father.