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Scarlet Tanager

Latin:  Piranga olivacea / French: Tangara écarlate/ Lenape: Wetėndeis

Southold, Long Island, New York, Tanktiyas Hollow, 5/15/03 (45kb)      wave761
Kittatiny Ridge, Delaware Water Gap, 6/26/99 (21kb), male, directly over trail, 1/2 way in, heavily wooded area


Indian Head Point - 6/20/01, 8 a.m., Delaware Water Gap (75kb) Song and "chick-burr"


Rattlesnake Swamp Trail North, Delaware Water Gap, 6/26/99 (53kb)      wave675


Comments on the voice of the Scarlet Tanager:

Additional Reading:  "A Land Manager's Guide to Improving Habitat for Scarlet Tanagers and Other Forest Interior Birds,"  Cornell Lab of Ornithology, download booklet in free PDF format or order at

To hear how to pronounce "Scarlet Tanager" in the Delaware Lenape language, see,