Fordham University School of Law

Guatemala Project

  About the Team:

The Guatemala Project was organized by, and the report was written by; Nathanael Heasley, Rodger Hurley, Kara Irwin, Andrew Kaufman, Nadine Moustafa, and Alain Personna. The mission to Guatemala also included assistance from Michael Sweeney and Maggie Popkin.


Fordham University School of Law

Fordham University School of Law Crowley International Human Rights Program

American University Washington College of Law


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  In March of 2000, a seven-person delegation of lawyers and law students visited Guatemala to research the progress of high-profile massacre cases through the Guatemalan legal system. Members of the delegation traveled widely in Guatemala, meeting with government officials, prosecutors and other attorneys, human rights advocates, and members of the judiciary, the military, Congress, and exhumation teams. While in Guatemala, the delegation conducted over fifty interviews in Guatemala City and in the towns of Salama, Rabinal, Cobán, Flores, and San Benito with local prosecutors, judges, human rights advocates, survivors and relatives of victims of the massacres, and witnesses to the massacres.

Based on that investigation and other research, the delegation published a report with the American University International Law Review. That report is reprinted here, and may be freely reproduced and distributed for any non-commercial purpose.

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