Welcome to the new look Corporation web site. I still like the old one and I don't think I'll get rid of it but I thought this looked a bit more professional. If rather less interesting. Thats why I'm keeping the old one too. It's a bit difficult to get an interesting backround with the way I've done this. All the content is pretty much the same as the other one I think, perhaps with a few minor adjustments. For example this page, I got rid of most of the stuff that was on it before.

OK, I've been trying for ages to fix up a few bugs on this site and their mostly ok now except for one little problem. I can't work out how to fix this problem other than to say that people who don't have 800 by 600 screen resolution or whatever it is will simply have to deal with the site looking really rather odd. I was going to have it so that it would cater for all kinds of screen resolutions but it's just not working. Sorry.

Most people will probably notice that I did fix most of the problems with the site, however we have had a temporary relapse I'm afraid. As exams are over I should be able to fix the problem though, considering it is of my own making. I was trying to change certain things so it wouldn't take so long to download. It'll all be back to normal soon.