(the group sits around eating lunch)

Mysterious Voice: You know what guys? We shouldn't be sitting around here eating. We should be taking control of our destinies and doing something with our lives. We should create some kind of corporation together to make heaps of money and eventually take over the world!!!!!

Others: Yeah, sounds good.
     I like it.
     Who took my sandwich?

Person 1: So who came up with that idea?

Others: I dunno.
     Wasn't me.
     I didn't see.
     It was peanut butter too…

Person 1: So… what? We just all came up with the same brilliant idea all at once?

Others: Yeah, seems like it.
     Guess so.
     Must be.
     Fresh bread too! None of that stale stuff!

Person 1: And we're all just going to accept that and continue on with carrying out this evil plan.

Others: Yeah.
     Sounds good.
     Why not.
     Buttered it myself and everything…

Narrator: So who was this mysterious voice who spoke to the group?
     And what are they going to do about the diabolical plan he suggested?
     And, most importantly, WHO TOOK THE SANDWICH?!
     All will be revealed… NEXT WEEK!