Well, Kane is just a great band, they write great songs, and the guitar parts are great.
I think they have worldly quality to them.
Dennis is a great guitar player, I like his solos and his riffs a lot. His style is real cool aswell, just check him out man!
I really liked it when Paul-Jan was in the band, he added sooo much to the live performances. He also was a great user of effects.
Aram was a great bassplayer in the band aswell, he really knew how to groove with that bass. It is important that a bassplayer plays along with the drums, and he did that perfectly. He made some amazing bassparts for the 2 first kane albums. Check out most of the tabs. And if you listen to kane songs in the future, make sure you check out the bass aswell
this might be one of the best songs ever written!
Matto knew how to groove aswell, he made some cool improvements on Aram when he played live, credits to him too!
Dion rules aswell, haven't heard to much of him yet, but I think he does his job perfectly.
I just love how this album is mixed, it makes it sound so fat! and I love the way they mix electric and acoustic guitars, makes it feel natural. Too bad the songs are shorter though!
AS LONG AS YOU WANT THIS      Great album, I just love the guitar sound and the solos. Dennis; this is a masterpiece. I really love the fact that they use many overdubs, it creates a lot to discover and fat sounds!
SO GLAD YOU MADE IT                  Also a true epic masterpiece, even fatter with more sample sounds and keyboards, but great guitar parts and bass grooves, my favorite is Hold on to the world! check the interlude with the grooving bass, the wah-guitar and the orchestra, just amazing!