Gulf Protests Bibliography

Public Perceptions of Gulf War Protesters

Beamish, Thomas, Harvey Molotch and Dick Flacks. 1996. "Who Supports the Troops?" Social
42: 344-61.

Coles, Roberta. 1999. "Peaceniks and Warmongers' Framing Fracas on the Home Front." The
Sociological Quarterly
39: 369-391.

McLeod, Douglas. 1994. "Conflict and Public Opinion: Rallying Effects of the Persian Gulf War."
Journalism Quarterly 71:20-31.

Mueller, John. 1994. Policy and Opinion in the Gulf War. Chicago : University of Chicago

Public Support of the Gulf War

Bendyna, Mary. 1996 "Gender Differences in Public Attitudes toward the Gulf War: A Test of
Competing Hypotheses." The Social Science Journal 33: 1-22.

Bennett, Lance and David Paletz. 1994. Taken by Storm : the Media, Public Opinion, and
U.S.foreign Policy in the Gulf War.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press.

Conover, Pamela Johnston. 1993. "Gender, Feminist Consciousness, and War." American Journal
of Political Science

Heilbronn, Lisa. 1994. "Yellow Ribbons and Remembrance: Mythic Symbols of the Gulf War."
Sociological Inquiry
1994, 64:151-178.

Hull, Geri. 1993. "Gender Differences in College Students Attitudes towards the Persian Gulf War."
College Student Journal 27: 480-489.

Jayaratne, Toby Epstein. 1996. "Predicting College Student Activities Toward the Persian Gulf War:
The Role of Gender and Television Exposure." Peace & Conflict 2: 151-73.

Kay, Allen. 2000. "When Americans Favor the Use of Force." International Journal of Public
Opinion Research
12: 182-190.

Larsen, Lotte. 1994. "The Yellow Ribboning of America: A Gulf War Phenomenon." Journal of
American Culture
17: 11-22.

Lee, Yueh Ting. 1993 "Reactions of American Minority and Nonminority Students to the Persian Gulf
War." Journal of Social Psychology 133:707-13.

Parker, Suzanne 1995. "Toward an Understanding of "Rally" Effects: Public Opinion in the Persian
Gulf War." The Public Opinion Quarterly 59:526-546.

Schroeder, Daniel. 1993. "Middle Adolescents' Views of War and American Military Involvement in the
Persian Gulf." Adolescence 28: 951-62.

Schuman, Howard. 1992. "Historical Analogies, Generational Effects, and Attitudes toward
War." American Sociological Review 57: 315-326.

Shepherd, Gordon and Gary Shepherd 1994. "War and Dissent: The Political Values of the American
Professoriate." Journal of Higher Education 65: 585-614.

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