
Welcome to Squirrelman's home base! He is currently out fighting the forces of darkness so he can't work on his web page. He's hired a couple of worthy assistants to help him out, so the page should be up shortly. He has however allowed us to take a picture of him to post here. We have edited out the background because one of the grey squirrels got into the picture and if the brown squirrels ever found out it would be chaos. Therefore until we can get a picture of squirrelman on campus without any squirrels in it you'll have to settle for what we have here. If you have any questions, contact squirrel@squirrelman.net or dini@squirrelman.net. Come back soon!

Here's another picture of Squirrelman. We managed to take this one when he was jumping out of a tree late at night. We had to argue with him for a while before he would let us put it here. Again for squirrel reasons the background has been edited out.

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