Stock Market Graphs
Timeline 1929-1933
Timeline 1934-1936
Timeline 1937-1941

· January 30th, Gold Reserve Act passed, (establishes Exchange Stabilization Fund       and allows the U. S. Treasury to seize all gold held by Federal Reserve banks)
· January 31st, FDR issues an executive decree, changing the price of gold from $20    an ounce to $35 an ounce
· February 2nd, Export-Import Bank of Washington created, established under DC       charter by Executive Order 6581, to assist in financing U.S. trade with the Soviet       Union.
· April 7th, Jones-Connally Farm Relief Act passed, bill effectively placing an               expanded roster of farm products under the control of the Agricultural Adjustment     Administration (AAA).
· May 23rd, bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were shot to death in a       police ambush in Bienville Parish, La.
· June 6th, Securities Exchange Commission established
· June 19th, Federal Communications Commission created
· June 19th, Silver Purchase Act passed, empowering FDR to increase the Treasury's   silver holdings to 1/3 the value of gold, nationalizing silver stocks and purchases         (victory for Free Silverites)
· June, Taylor Grazing Act passed
· July 22nd, John Dillinger, Public Enemy Number One, shot by the FBI near a            Chicago Theatre
· August 2nd, German President Paul von Hindenburg dies, paving the way for Adolf    Hitler's complete takeover.
· August 13th, the satirical comic strip "Li'l Abner," created by Al Capp, makes its        debut
· November 6th, Democrats gain 9 seats in the House of Representatives
· Anti-Rackateering Act passed
· Commodity Credit Corporation created
· Federal Farm Bankruptcy Act passed
· Federal Surplus Relief Corporation created
· National Firearms Act passed
· Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act passed
· Bankhead Cotton Control Act passed


· April 8th, Emergency Appropriations Relief Act passed, creating the Works               Progress Administration
· June, National Youth Adminstration created by executive order
· June 3, Farm Credit Act passed
· July 5th, National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) passed
· August 14th, Social Security Act passed
· August 28th, Public Utility Holding Company Act passed
· August 30th, Revenue Act (Wealth Tax Act ) passed.
· Increased the surtax rate on individual incomes over $50,000, the estate tax on           individual estates over $40,000 and graduated steeply taxes on individual incomes       over $1 million until the rate was 75% in excess of $5 million.
· Decreased the small corporation tax rate to 12% while increasing the corporate tax,    on incomes above $15,000 to 15%.
· Some excess profits over 10% were taxed at a 6% rate and in excess of 15% at a      12% rate.
· August, Neutrality Act passed
· September 8th, Huey Long assassinated
· Bituminous Coal Conservation Act passed
· Davis-Bacon Act amended, lowering contract threshold to $2,000
· Federal Power Act passed
· Motor Carrier Act passed, extending federal regulatory authority to motor carriers      engaged in interstate commerce
· Rural Electrification Administration established
· Soil Conservation Act passed
· Supreme Court declares National Recovery Act to be unconstitutional, in Schecter      Poultry Corporation v. United States


· August 1st, Olympics open in Berlin
· Supreme Court declares (6 to 3) the Bituminous Coal Conservation Act (1935) to be   unconstitutional in Carter vs. Carter Coal Co.
· Robinson-Patman Act passed, effectively outlawing price cutting by permitting          price discrimination (charging different prices in different markets) only if it can be    justified by differential costs of serving different markets, or if a price reduction is     made "in good faith'' to meet the price reduction of a competitor.
· Rural Electrification Act passed, authorizing loans to qualified borrowers, with           preference given to nonprofit and cooperative associations and public bodies, to         construct and operate electric systems and generating plants
· Domestic Allotment Act passed
· FDR defeats Alfred M. Landon, Governor of Kansas, to win second term as              President
· Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of TVA in Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley    Authority
Timeline 1934-1936