Gunbladelad's Spec Ops section


This is a small group of pages giving walkthroughs to the Spec Ops games on the Sony Playstation. They are all also available in Text only format from

I've only provided a link to the page(s) that I've fully completed the HTML on. Bear in mind this is a hobby, so it probably won't be updated too often. I am pretty much certain to answer on the GameFAQs playstation Spec Ops boards if you desperately need help on something I've not covered.


Spec Ops : Stealth Patrol - Still to be completed

Spec Ops : Ranger Elite - HTML version not yet finished

Spec Ops : Covert Assault

Spec Ops : Airborne Assault - Just released in the UK. Watch this space


To get in touch with the author of these pages, send mail to

Talonsoft's Spec Ops games were released by Take 2 software under the $10 budget label in an effort to develop a name for themselves. Unfortunately, some shops in the UK decided to release Stealth Patrol for £30, as the budget label wasn't quite out at this point in the UK

All Copyrights and Trademarks are recognized


