Mobile Suit Gundam
Crossbone Gundam Informational Archive
Crossbone Vanguard
Mobile Weaponry Other Units
EMS-06 Batara Mother Vanguard space battleship
EMS-10 Pez Batara
XM-08 Zondo Gei
XM-10 Flint
XM-X1 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-1
XM-X2 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-2
XM-X3 (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-3
Earth Federal Forces
Mobile Weaponry Other Units
F91 "Gundam F91" Ark class light space cruiser
Model 133 Ball Lar Kairum class mobile battleship
RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type
RGM-109 Heavygun
RGM-122 Javelin
Jupiter Empire
Mobile Weaponry Other Units
Diona EMA-01 Acusirio
EMA-03 Gangrijo EMA-02 Thostede
EMA-04 Elefante Juipitoris 9 large transport ship
EMA-06 Elegolea
EMA-07 Nautilus
EMA-10 Divinidad
EMS-06 Batara
EMS-07 Erebado
EMS-09 Vagon
EMS-10 Pez Batara
EMS-VSX1 Quavarze
EMS-VSX2 Abijo
EMS-VSX3 Totuga
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