Balistic Upgrades
Sniper Upgrade
$5,000 Attack: 5,000 Speeds -500. This adds 5,000 to your sniper. * there is no limit to how many you can put on*
Gun Upgrade $5,000 Attack: 5,000 speeds -500. this can be put on any gun except Snipers or the Buster Rifles.
Ranger $25,000 Range: +25,000. This cannot go over a sniper or the buster rifles.

Beam Weapons Upgrades
Beam Saber Upgrade $50,000 Attack: 1,000. This also adds 50% to your beam saber, example: Buster saber (150%).
Beam Saber Forearm Storage $15,000 This allows you to store a beam sword or saber in you're forearm. This is only 1, when installing tell what side you want it installed on.
Beam Saber Leg Storage $20,000 This allows you to store a beam saber or beam sword in the inside of you're m.s.'s knee. This is only 1, when installing tell what side you want it on.
Beam Weapon Upgrade $75,000. This goes into a beam weapon and adds 50% and 10,000 attack to it.
Beam Burst $100,000 attack:???. This goes over you're beam weapons (sabers, scythes exc.) and instead of each turn in battle you only using 10% of it's energy. You use 100% (all) of it. So if you have a beam saber that's attack is 100 and you use this with is it's attack becomes 10,000 attacks. But this completely drains all of the beam weapons power the first use. This goes over top the weapon.. **Can only be used with beam swords, no beam guns**

Traveling Items
Angel Wings $100,000 speed: 50,000 defense: 100,000 3 day transport. This attaches two giant wings to your mobile suit, and allows you to fly it also provides a shield for re-entry..
Angel Wings Upgrade $25,000 Speed: -5,000 Max Ammo: 10 all missiles. This adds 10 slots to your wings to store missiles.
Steel Wings $5,000 speed 25,000 defense: 100,000. The same as angel wings. It protects you on planet re-entry, but then it burns up.
Fuel Storage Small $5,000 Adds 25% to fuel Speed: -100. this adds small tanks that can store more fuel in them. (adds $100 to refueling costs)
Fuel Storage Medium $15,000 adds 75% to fuel Speed- 500 (adds $500 to refueling costs)
Fuel Storage Large $50,000 adds 200% to fuel  Speed: -3,000 (adds $2,000 to refueling costs)
Mobile Suit Convoy $20,000 defense 100,000. A large touch that can carry 5 mobile dolls, can travel to any earth location in 2 days.

Mobile Suit Systems

Wing Zero System $150,000 adds 200,000 to all M.S. stats, and 7,000 to all pilot stats. This is the famous  wing zero system is can drive a pilot mad if he doesn’t know how to control it. Must know "Control Wing Zero System". (borrowed from UG03)
OZ System $100,000 adds 150,000 to all M.S. stats and 4,000 to all pilot stats. This is the same as the Wing Zero System, but not as powerful so no skill is needed to use it. This is the same system the Epyon used.. (Borrowed from UG03)
Last Resort System $100,000 .This system gathers up all of the power on the M.S.'s Beam Weapons and fires it out of any beam weapon of you're choice. 20% chance malfunction and blowing up (doing damage to you). 99% change of destroying the beam weapon. The more power you have the more damage it dose. 1% beam energy=1,000 Attack.
Hercules System $120,000 Pilot Strength:+ 50,000 This system diverts all energy and power the M.S. giving it 10 Min of Awesome strength. No weapons can be used while the system is activated. All beam weapons are drained after use. Must have at least 500 energy (from all beam weapons) to use.
Reversal System $150,000 .This is a system the absorbs 1 beam attack from you're opponent and then that power can be used to recharge any of you're beam weapons. Cannot absorb Ballistic or missile weapons. Max: 100,000 attacks, if more than that is absorbed the reversal system will be destroyed and 10% of the attack will hit you.
Homing Missile System $20,000. This allows you to control homing missiles.

Other Updrages

Heat Stabilizers $50,000 this allows you to go NEAR the sun, you will still die if you go into the sun. (borrowed from UG03)
Ghost Chip $75,000. Allows you become a ghost and attacks go through you, can only be used for 5 turns. Takes away ALL weapon energy  after 1 use (beam weapons, charged weapons and all of fuel)
Mercenary Pass $50,000. This allows you (or you're org) to go after bounties even if you aren't a mercenary, but you don't get the weekly pay.