Building City's and H.Q.'s
30 spaces of land $25,000
30 spaces of under water land $30,000
30 spaces in a colony $40,000
30 spaces in the air (a Flying fortress) $60,000

Main H.Q. $15,000 5 spaces 500 KW (a must)
A main building where all computers and data runs to.

Power Generator $5,000 1 space (a must)
This provides energy for your city, +5,000 KW

Force field $25,000 1 spaces (A must in space)
This is eather a very weak or extremely strong forcefield, it all depends on how muck KW you give it.
(1KW= 5000 defense) 1-???KW

Tractor Beam $15,000 5 spaces
This can crush any mobile dolls/suits in its range and take a big chunk of there life. 2,000 KW Attack 500,000

Oxeygen Generator $20,000 2 spaces
This creates oxeygen, a must in space and underwater.

City Items (Required For citys only)
**1 space for everything below**
Hospital $5,000 (A must)
It is heals your civilions. 1,000KW

NeghborHood $10,000 (a must have)
For every neghborhood you have in your city 5,000 people will be added to your total Population. 5,000 KW

Park $100
This brings more people to your city (500 people for each park) 100KW must have at least 1 neghborhood

Mall $1000 (a must)
This is where your civilions buy there goods. Adds 500 people per mall, 100KW must have atleast 1 neghbor hood

Busneses $5,000 (A must)
This will bring busness to your city also bringing people.
+ 10,000 people, 100KW must have atleast 1 neghbor hood

Governmant Servences $5,000 (a must)
This is sewers,plumbing, and more. 500KW

Police $1,000 (for 100) (a must)
They protect your civilions aginst spies,robbers, and other people you don't want in you city, 10 for every space required. 100KW

Base Items
-Soldier Equitment
Solders $2,000 (for every 100)
They help protect your people from outside attack.
10 attack, 1 defense, 15 speed (Each) 25 KW

Soldier Trainning Camp $10,000 Power: 10 KW
This is where you're soldiers come to train.
1 to attack and speed every 5 days. 500 soldiers can train at a time.

Rocket Launchers (100) $1,000 Attack: 5 (each)
This is a slight advancement to the solders weapons.

Lasers (100) $5,000 Attack 10 (each)
This is a mojor advancment to the solders weapons!

Body Armor (100) $500 Defense: 2 (each)
This is a slight armor advantage to you're solders.

Small Forcefield (100) $5,000 Defense: 25(each)
This is a huge armor advantage to you're solders.

Weak Thrusters (100) $1,000 Speed: 10(each)
A small speed boost

Strong Thrusters (100) $5,000 Speed: 30(each)

Ultimate Solder Suit (100) 25,000 Speed: 50 Attack: 20,000 Defense: 30.
A powerfull suit.

Tanks $1,000 (for 5)
They help your soldgers by giving them more firepower.
5 soldgers per tank needed, adds 5,000 to attack and defense
(per five) 100KW

Attack Helocopters (10) $10,000 Attack: +50
Each helocopter requirest 3 solders to fly it.

Baracks $25,000 Attack:+5 100KW  1 space
This is where you're solders sleep. Max: 1,000

Storage $20,000 100 KW 2 spaces
You must have this is you have tanks or helocopters.

-Other Weapons
Ships, $?,???
You can buy ships (or transports) and put wepons on them and then let your soldgers fly them (can only be flew around your city with soldgers). ?KW ?attack,Defense

Turrets $500 each
They provide a little kick to your soldgers. 200KW
50,000 attack and defense Uses 5% of 100% each shot

Port $10,000
This is a port that allows ships, 10 at the most to be docked a you're city or base. it provides them covor and they can be refuled and repared free of charge.

MS (or MD) Storage $5,000 can hold 100 M.S.
This is a place to store you're mobile suit or mobile doll, here they can be refuled, repaired, instal (equip) weapons free, and stored.

Anti-Aircraft Laser Turret $5,000 Attack: 12,000 5KW
Uses .5% of 100% each shot

Money Scale

You Get Money for having people in your city...

100-500 $500 per week
600-1,000 $1,000 per week
1,100-2,000 $2,000 per week
2,100-3,000 $3,000 per week
3,100-4,500 $4,500 per week
4,600-7,000 $6,000 per week
7,100-10,000 $8,000 per week
11,000-14,000 $10,000 per week
14,100-18,000 $12,000 per week
18,100-20,000 $14,000 per week
21,000-25,000 $18,000 per week
26,000-30,000 $25,000 per week
$1,000 for every 1,000 (for above 30,000 people only)