Pegasus Ship- found in japan, 30 days
Basic frame,Capital grade engine,x1 dock, Gundanium hull, nucular powercore, x5 laser turrets, 1 main gun
City (started)- found and stationed in south amarica, 50 days
30 acres of land,H.Q. building, x5 power generators, a hospotal,x1 neghborhood, x1 Mall, x1 businses, governmenat serveces, Police, x100 soldgres, x 3 turrets, + 10 extra spaces
Credit Card (cha ching)- The credit card of the now extinct zeon, it has mostley been drained, but it still has $50,000 on it. Found in aisa, 15 days
Credit Disk- this is a hi-tec disk that top of the line hackers used to take money from other people, you can take $100,000 from any other player 1 time. They player must have atleast $100,000 found in cuba, 25 days
Excalabar- the first of 3 legendary wepons made from an unknown alien race, it takes 40,000 from both defense and speed, but adds 700,000 to attack 100 days on the moon
Mega Sheild- 2nd of the legendary wepons this is a a super powerfull shild that is made up of pure energy, it takes 50,000 from speed and attack, but adds a wopping 100,000,000 to defense. Must have above 5,000,000 speed, and attack found on the moon 100 days
Omega thrusters- 3d of the lengendary wepons, this takes a woping 100,000 from Attack and defense, but adds 1,000,000  to speed, this is a very powerfull thrusters that are instaled to the M.S.'s back, found at the moon 100 days
Zeon Rail Gun-  an extremley powerfull wepon that was created by zeon scientists, if it where mass produced it could of changed the outcome of the one year war. But the prototype is still somewhere on side 7. The Rail Gun launches opjects at enormous speeds.Adds 600,000 to all M.S. stats .found on side 7 100 days 
Outlaw Star- Found in china. 150 days.
Big Frame,Top grade engine,x5 docks, Fusion Gundanium, Electric engine,x2 Main cannons,x1 apocolips cannon, 10 laser turrets, 4 missle containers, 1 docking port. (5 extra spaces)