M.S. Trainning
South Amarica-
The dense jungles make this the perfect place to train. $500 a day for 100 added to all M.S. stats and 10 to all piolet stats.
Luna 2- the low gravity here make it the perfect place to train. $1,000 a day for 20 added to all M.S. stats and 50 added to all piolet stats.
Virtural reality Trainning- this is a simulated battle ground, it is much better than trainning the the real world. $2,000 a day for 500 added to all M.S. stats, adn 50 added to all Piolet Stats.
Rain Forest- Here you help out workers to cut down trees in the forest. Adds 100 to Piolet Strength and you get $500 a day. in afarica
MD Trainning
Mobile Doll systems are degined to adapt to new ways of fighting. So basicaly they evolve, witch allows MD (Mobile Dolls) to train.
Fireing Range- this is basicley mounted turrets that aim at the MD. It shoots real rounds at the MD, so there is a chance that the Mobile doll will get damaged. But they are automaticley turned off before the MD is destroyed. $100 a day for 200 added to all MD stats. at niagra falls
MD vs. MD- this is a trainning fight with you're mobile doll aginst another mobile doll, there is as many mobile doll as you want on the battle ground. There can be teams or anything you want.The trainners supply the mobile doll you can use any mobile doll from the mobile doll shop.  $50 per day per mobile doll (besides yours), 200 added to all stats for each mobile doll trainned aginst. at niagra falls
Bombardment- this is for water mobile dolls, it is basicley depth charges and other obsticals that are thrown at you're mobile doll. $0 per day. 100 added to all M.D. stats per day at ocean battle ground