My Dictionary

The following is a guide to understanding any and every thing that I say at various intervals of times within my converstations, comments, or insults. I often alude to these words and phrases within my gibberish.


anti-standing device (n) - a chair
asian (n) - those funny people with their eyes stretched out
bebopper (n) - anyone who likes rap or is, wants to be, or pretends to be in a gang.
bitch-shit (n) - someone doing something stupid just to piss me off
clown (n) - person who is in any way related to the rap-gangster-makeup lifestyle (mostly girls)
crazy (adj) - of high importance or quality
crooked-face (n) - jose's dog or anyone that looks like his dog
damn dirty slut (n) - those chicks that go out with a guy older than her and are all 'gaga' over him
dumb-ass (n) - he who has done something stupid
dumb-shit (n) - he who has embarrased himself
erick's dog (n) - erick's dog looks like a mop
faggot (n) - he who is within my view
faggot-ass (n) - he who has pissed me off
faggot-fuck (n) - he who has annoyed me
faggot-shit (n )- he who has uttered a stupidity
fuck (v) - this word can mean every and any thing but mainly means to get screwed.
fuck-fuck (n) - he who has annoyed me in any way when I'm tired.
fuck-nut (n) - he who is stupid
fuck-shit (n) - he who has pissed me off before i could think of an insult
funny Arab man* (n)- he works who at the 7-11
gay (adj)- of low importance or quality
homie guy (n) - those guys that like rap and stuff
hot (adj) - highly attractive
hick (n) - he who does not brush teeth, has 5 cars in front yard, or speaks in southern accent (Kyle).
hippie (n) - that guy with the colors and shit
idiot (n) - Ronnie
miss piggy (n) - policewoman or female cop
morongus* (n)- someone stupid (origins unknown)
mop (n) - Erick's dog or anyone that looks like it
pig (n) - policemen or cop.
pig-in-training (n) - security guard
pig-in-training to be a pig-in-training (n) - those people at school who are lesser than security guards.
pity-whore (n) - he/she who unneccesarily bitches about life only for others' pity
p.s.j. (n) - just like the regular p.s. except only for me
pussy-shit (n)- someone trying to be something they're not
queer (n) - i call people this when i can't think fast enough
remail (v) - reply on an email
Ranger Bob (n) - anyone who is affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America (c)
shit (n) - this word can mean every and any thing
shit-head (n) - he who is related in any way to shit
shit-face* (n) - Erick's little brother
Southern Chow Pow* (n) - place where all Asians originated
waggot* (n) - a faggot that is also a wussy
whore (n) - a chick that goes out with a lot of guys for no apparent reason

* Erick made this one (he can't stand the fact that I have more words than he does, even though his words seem to be a lot funnier than mine for some reason)

All sayings are copyright 2001 by jose and sometimes erick but mostly jose because he came up with most of them but erick made some of them too so most of them are legal property of jose. (repepetition!)