Some call it "relief", some call it "letting it out", some even call it "yelling at your girlfriend"... whatever you call it, here it is.

2-17-02 I really dislike chain letters. They're complete fuck-shits and worthless pieces of crap. The only people who send chain letters are the stupid shit pity whores that have nothing useful to say besides the fact that they want your pity. I don't have pity for you. I don't think many people have pity for someone who doesn't deserve the pity. I mean come on, the things said in chain letters are pretty damn ridiculous to begin with: "send this to 10 people and you have some friends finally, and send it to 20 people to find true love!". I mean, if you think that you'll get true love out of sending a bunch of people a stupid letter, then you're pretty fuckin' stupid and you should therefore get out of my site, becuase I don't like idiots, especially pity whore idiots. But I doubt that anyone is buying this shit, so you can stay.

12-18-01 Why is it that everyone is such a fake? Has everyone already forgotten of the old values and morals of the past. These morals of honesty, loyalty, and love may be old, but they are infinitely important. Why can't anyone just stop caring so much about their image and popularity and all the other unimportant shit that's fucking up this world. I am searching now for others like me (though I doubt there's anyone out there). I have discovered that this seems ridiculous and crazy to many of my supposed friends and acquaintances. I have become quite secluded because of this and I seek to express myself to someone. But, unfortunately, most people are already too full of themselves and would rather go around screwing the real people over. It's the real people that are always fucked with. They are never appreciated for what the are and for how much they care despite their misery and regret

11-23-01 Doesn't everybody fuckin' hate fuckin' pity whores?!? Fuckin' lame and pathetic pieces of shit. They fuckin' try and act like they have SO many problems when in fact they're off just fine. Stupid things like "my life sucks, i'm gonna commit suicide" and "nobody cares about me" are the most stupidest things i've ever heard (from some people). Ok, i know there really are people that actually have problems, but not everybody is like that. Retarded as hell. Another example: "my girlfriend broke up with me, my life is over, i think i'm gonna kill myself". Or "i'm thinking of commiting suicide". People that actually were thinking of suicide wouldn't go aroung bragging about it to every one they meet.

11-10-01 Now, I can officially say that my life sucks. Well, the girl that I liked has given up on me. She won't talk to me. I think she hates me. Yes, that was my fault there. And this other girl that I thought I actually felt serious shit for... well she isn't what I thought she was. I gave up a perfectly good chick for this... Fuck, this sucks. I should really learn to fuckin' think shit over... too late now.

11-03-01 Ok, ok... the Jordan thing is a little old (3 months). It's just that I barely found out! It's cuz basketball is a bebopper sport, therefore it sucks. And since I never was any good at it, I never fucking watch basketball. I'm too fuckin' short to play basketball. I'm also too lazy. I played for one season a while back and I got fouled out every game. It seems I was being too rough. Damn pussy-ass basketball players: "oh no, don't push me that's a foul" and "please be careful with my new $250 shoes". I mean how gay is that? (don't answer that moron, it was a rhetorical question)

10-30-01 No, no, no Jordan. Get your lame ass back to retirement. Damn hypocrite. I knew it all along. There's nothing in the entire world that can keep a damn black guy from his basketball. No, bitch, you're no exception. You're just like the rest of the beboppers. And don't even try to play baseball. I don't care how much your dad liked it, you still suck. You're a basketball-bebopper. You can't play baseball or any other sport besides it for that matter. I've got to give the guy some credit though. At least he's not on the Lakers. The Lakers. HA! The mere thought of them brings to laughter. The Lakers are nothing more than a marketing campaign. Well no. That wouldn't be fair to all the beboppers. It's a RETARDED marketing campaign. Let me put it in words that those drop-out, pregnant, and single parent beboppers can understand: Lakers Suck.

10-22-01 Yes... you damn cap-gunnin' beboppers suck saggy ass too. Honestly here, rap sucks. The whole concept of rap is just plain contradictory to the whole point to music. You have one faggot here talking about his "bitch" and this other bebopper talking about he's had her a 100 times before. It's just a bunch of meaningless lyrics layered on top of some extremely repetitive and annoyingly boring rythm. Did the damn rapper-guy make the rythm? NO!!! His goddamn musical advisor thought of it. Then, they'll have some guys that kind of now how to play whatever and just play it once. Then they'll record it and loop it 1000 times. All while the bebopper says a bunch of shit that doesn't even make sense. They talk about being put down. Maybe if they weren't so stupid, then they wouldn't be. Maybe if they made some quality music I would stop criticizing... maybe. Damn beboppers. They're so goddamn trendy. I see this one bebopper with his fuckin' converse shoes, his fuckin 30 sizes too big jeans and his 30 sizes too short hair. And of course, this month's trend says that you shall like blink 182... so guess what? The shit-head "likes" blink. Don't take it wrong. I'm not putting blink down (they suck enough already). If I would have wanted to do that, I would have said something like "Blink 182 are fuckin sell-outs" or "Blink sucks" or " That's not punk-rock Blink, thats's pussy-ass pop" or something of that sort.

10-07-01 My dad is such a stupid fuck. He saw my website. It's cuz I have all the files stored on my computer so that I don't have to rewrite all the HTML. I had left it in a folder on the desktop for easy reference. My stupid shit brother saw it one day and told my dad. Of course, they are both idiots. I can still hide all the files on the computer without them ever knowing. Well, he said that my website is offensive and blah blah blah and blah blah some other stupid shit. He wants me to delete all the files. Ha!!!! That's hilarious. Since when do I listen to what he tells me? Never!!

09-11-01 OK, look, I'm not saying that the whole incident in New York is funny. Well, yeah it is. I'm just saying that some of the things that people all the way over here are doing. This is what my retarded-ass school district is passing out to all the kids at every school in the damn district. Well, naturally, I wouldn't care and I would normally just trash it (which I did) but then, the teacher read it out loud. I tried not to hear but everyone else was so quiet and attentive that it was impossible to ignore that damn faggot-ass teacher. I found that which he spoke of extremely hilarious. I laughed my ass off in class. Of course, everyone thought I was a terrorist maniac, but I just think it's hilarious. Anyway here's what it said.

The Board of Education and all employees of the "Unknown" School District considers the safety of our children as our primary goal at this time of national crisis.

How the fuck do they know that EVERY employee of the "Unknown" District actually is stupid enough to give a shit. Maybe there's some people there like me, those that know the difference between concern and proposed public image (what they want to be seen as).

Our President and the leaders of our nation are taking decisive action to protect everyone residing in this country.

Yeah, that's why George Bush calls caring for the people, running and hiding in some super-solid military base while the rest of the country gets killed

America's military has been called into action, as has the National Guard.

Yes they have. 5 hours late actually. And, what the fuck are they gonna do now anyway. Oh, I got an idea: Let's stand around and make the people of America (america sucks) believe that we're actually doing something productive.

Law Enforcement personnel throughout the nation are on emergency standby. Be assured that our national defense system is also on full, emergency alert.

Yes, and how the goddamn fuck will that help now?!? The great national defense system is on full alert, my ass. They're all probably just screwing some interns.

It is important to our students that we maintain calm.

Hehehe. That's hilarious. You have no idea what you're talking about. Most of us would rather see you dead.

We will make every effort to maintain regular school routines. Today, we canceled some of our extracurricular, after-school activities.

First of all, how the fuck is cancelling sports activities gonna help the damn national crisis (if you could call it that). All they're trying to do is try and pretend and give the appearance of them actually doing something productive. They all just want a damn day off. Not that I oppose the day off, just that they call it a "day off" not a "crisis stopper".

Our schools are the safest place for your child to be during the day, and we encourage you to allow your child to attend.

What the fuck are you guys tring to hide?? Wait, I know. The more students that attend school, the more money you guys get. And even if schools would be one of the major targets for terrorism, you guys don't give a shit, cuz you're trying to get rich aren't you? That's the whole concept behind detention. You're 5 minutes late, and you stay after school and make the damn rich people even fuckin richer!! This fucking world is so fuckin full of retarded ass morans.

This is a great national crisis, perhaps the greatest in American History

Hahahahaha!!!! Fuckin' shit this is hilarious.

It is important therefore, that we show our strength and courage- as this is what has made America the great nation that it is.

Oh fuck no!! This is too much. Show our strength and courage. Hmmm... I know! Let's run and hide in Louisiana while the rest of the country gets nuked!! That's the American Presidential thing to do!

09-01-01 First of all, these are the things I hate

People who act all gangsterish or try to be black.

People who listen to rap music and get all into it.

Rap Music.

People who like boybands.


People who exaggerate their problems and demand the attention and support of others for their false predicaments.

People who act all preppy or overuse the word "like" (blondes).

People who do things because it is in style.

People who cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend.

People who say they cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend.

People who praise people who cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend.

People who don't like people who don't cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend.

People who can't get people their own age so they go for someone younger.

People who take advantage of people younger than them.

People who go out with people even though they don't like them.

People who say they love someone else just to get them in bed.

People who use words because everyone else is using them.

People who don't care if someone else loves them.



Any religion for that matter.

People who show off something about them: good or bad.

People who use their looks to get what they want.

People who use anything to get what they want.

People who rape other people.

People who don't like other people because of the color of their skin.

People who make fun of other people for their disabilities.

People who make fun of other people too much.

People who flirt around too much.

People who are going out with someone and flirt around.

People who take advantage of people who love them.

People who say they care about you and actually don't.

People who lie about their age.

People who lie.

People who check out other people while going out with someone else.

People who check out other people while with other people.

People who do things because their worried about what other people think of them.

People who try to act like a type of person their not therefore giving the actual type of people a bad name.

People who are obsessed with their name.

People who are obsessed with themselves.

People who are obsessed with Star Wars.

People who are obsessed with any type of movie series or TV show.

People who pretend that they're evil or possessed or anarchist in any way.

People who use the anarchy sign without any clue as to what they are representing.

People who are obsessed with a specific number.

People who make nicknames for themselves.

People who think they are extremely gorgeous.

People who are conceited.

People who think they are better than you just because they're smarter.

People who think they are better than you just because they're more physically attractive.

People who make fun of people because they actually do well academically.

People who try and categorize themselves or others.

People who say "It's a free country"

People who say "Make Me"

People who say "I know you are, but what am I"

People who think they are popular.

People who don't like you because you're not popular according to their standards.

People who make fun of gays.

People who act like their gay in an attempt to mock them.

People who think they are better than you because you're not gay.

People who are in a minority and think that everyone is putting them down.

People who say they know love when they actually don't.

People who say they love you when deep inside, they're just infatuated.

People who don't know how to operate something and instead of asking a question, they mess it up.

People who despise social advancement.

People who are afraid of going outdoors.

People who say they don't care while actually they're just mad at the moment.

People who get drunk and do stupid things.

People who say they drink but have never had any.

People who go online and just breeze through everything without ever appreciating the work that was put into the website.

People who don't appreciate what you do for them.

People who want to start their own band but don't realize the actual commitment and work that it takes.

People who think they can do anything.

People who think they're too good to talk to you.

People who waste their time by going to church.

People who actually think that going to church will help them in any way.

People who like going to church.

People who force other people to go to church.

People who get mad at you for no apparent reason even though you put up with a lot.

People who think having a pager or cellular phone actually matters.

People who show off because they have a pager or cellular phone.

People who ask questions they already know the answer to.

People who make fun of other people when they're with their girlfriend or boyfriend.

People who think they're better than you because they have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

People who have a boyfriend or girlfriend just because they see other people that way (mostly kids).

People who say that they've lost their youth, they should've enjoyed it in the first place.

People who try to do things that older people are doing (mostly kids).

People who say the same joke to everyone they meet.

People who use pick-up lines to try and get a date.

People who wear shirts with smart remarks that they could never have come up with.

People who try to be skaters but just for the style.

People who dress like skaters.

People who wear "Superman" shirts as if it was an original idea.

People who judge other people without even knowing them.

People who like something just because it has been played on the radio so much.

People who like something just because it has been shown on MTV so much.


People who don't like other people just because that person doesn't like you.

People who can't sing yet still try in front of everyone else.

People who like every song they hear.

People who sell out their fans.

People who try to be something they're not.

People who hang up on people.

People who threaten other people with something stupid.

People who try to get other people jealous.

People who put you on hold; if they have something better to do than to talk to you, well why aren't they doing that in the first place.

People who try to diet by not eating.


People who like the Lakers just because they're winning games (true fans don't care if their team sucks) (Lakers suck)


People who play basketball.

Basketball shoes.

People who buy "basketball shoes" and show them off and talk about it.


People who hardly dress at all (short skirts, tank tops).


What I am writing now is completely useless text. It is just here to take up space and make you bored to death. I shall go on writing about meaningless things with the sole reason of taking up space. Even though you are reading this (and you probably don't want to) you still have no idea what I'm saying. But, you cannot resist the temptation of reading my mindless chatter and boring antics. You are overly amazed by my profound vocabulary which you have no idea why it is so. You know not the meaning to most of the complicated (I could say complex, but I don't like that word; only people who think they are ridiculously intelligent and/or conceited people use the word complex. It is used to form a sense of "the writer's intelligence being way beyond that of the readers')