MS-06J Zaku II
Standard colors Desert camouflage colors
MS-06F Zaku II
Unit type: mass production ground combat mobile suit
Manufacturer: Zeonic Company
Operator(s): Duchy of Zeon
Rollout: UC ?
First deployed: UC 0079
Production run: ? units

Head height: 17.5 meters
Overall height: ? meters
Base weight: 56.1 metric tons
Full weight: 70.3  metric tons

Power generator output: 976 kilowatts
Rocket thrusters: 45,400 kilograms total
Maximum thruster acceleration: 0.65 Gees
Maximum ground running speed: 85 km/h

Sensor radius: 3600 meters
Frame type: monocoque
Armor materials: super hard steel alloy

Basic armament:

Mounted or attached armament:
Zi-Me/Triple Missile Pod Mk.IV x 2

Hand-carried armament:
Type 5 heat hawk
ZMP-50D/120mm assault rifle
H&L-SB25K/280mmA-P bazooka
ZIM/M*T-K175C 175mm cannon
MIP-B6 cracker grenade
Unit background & history:
Combat record:
Standard weapon configurations:

Type 5 heat hawk
ZMP-50D/120mm assault rifle

Type 5 heat hawk
H&L-SB25K/280mmA-P bazooka

Type 5 heat hawk
ZIM/M*T-K175C 175mm cannon
Standard cockpit & controls
single pilot seat, located in torso
Armament descriptions:
Hand-carried armament:
Type 5
heat hawk - An axe-like weapon for chopping up Federation light and medium armor at close range.  The blade of this weapon can be heated via an internal battery, creating a secondary effect of melting through armor as well as cutting through it.  The heat hawk can be stored on the left hip armor storage rack.
ZMP-50D/120mm (Zeonic Machinen Pistole)
assault rifle - Produced by Zeonic Company, the ZMP-50D is the basic Zeon assault rifle available to nearly all Zeon mobile suits.  The ZMP-50D fires 120x300 millimeter rounds via a 100 round cylindrical drum mounted on the top of the receiver at a rate of 650 rounds per minute.  The 120mm round is capable of punching through even ground tank armor, but it falls short of doing serious damage to mobile suits in a single shot.
H&L-SB25K/280mmA-P (Heckler & Loch Small Bazooka)
bazooka - The same model used by the MS-06C to launch nuclear warheads, Heckler & Loch's standard Zaku bazooka is now used by nearly all MS-06 series Zaku IIs to fire conventional explosive 280 millimeter rockets.  The bazooka is fed via an internal magazine which holds 4 rockets of a variety of warheads, including HEAT and HESH.
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