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Vicky:Yet another masterpeice!

Shalon: Now there is modesty.

: What!? It took forever to get out! Mind you the story itself didn't take to long....

: But the editing... my god the editing!

: Hey Shal, do you supposed that because it has taken us so long to post this episode that Heero has been drugged and inebriated the whole time?

: Wow, I'm impressed there was a big word in that Question! But I don't know what the hell you are talking about

Vicky: You know! He was sedated...

: Are you giving away parts of the episode!?

Vicky: Like a good wine he must be left to ferment!

Shalon: What the hell are you talking about!!!???



Vicky: Woohoo! A Vacation! Beaches! Sun! Sea Junk!
Shalon: Vacation? More like a gong show.
Vicky: Yeah, but it's a gong show away from the house! .... what's a gong show?

Episode 11: Congratulations! This is Your Vacation!

Duo and Vicky both have their ear pressed to the receiver of a phone, the radio is blaring in the background.

Vicky: It's ringing! We got through!
DJ: Congratulations.
Duo: What caller are we? What caller are we?
DJ: You are lucky caller number 13! Now to win your fabulous prize of a trip to the L3 tropical island of Boorad all we need is the winning catch phrase!
Duo and Vicky: *both take a deep breath* Boring To A Fault (BTAF) plays today’s most boring music, now give me my prize!
Duo: *mutters under his breath* For listening to this crap.
Vicky: Shhhh!!! You’re going to make us lose!
Duo: If I have to listen to one more Frank Sinatra song I'm gonna hurl!
Quatre: Aww...but I like Frankie!
Duo: Who asked you?
DJ: You are correct!
Duo and Vicky: WHOOHOOOOO!!
Vicky: *squeals* We're going where are we going?
Duo: Some place warm!

Wufei enters into the room.

Wufei: What the hell is that god awful noise?
Quatre: Duo and Vicky just won a trip to Boorad.
Wufei: That’s not what I meant. I meant that! *points to the radio* what ever happened to good quality music? What the hell is this?
Duo: *snickers* What would you prefer then, Mr. Justice spice? How about some girl power? booya... lets just turn the station to "Spice-a-rama.105 fm" would that be better?
Wufei: Grrr...Maxwell!!! *eyes blaze anger* I'm going to kill you!
Duo: *backs away*'n man! You know I didn't mean it...GIRL POWER.
Wufei: DIE!!! *chases after Duo*
Duo: AHH!!

Vicky: *still on the phone* ...that happened when I was in kindergarten...and then when I was two...
Quatre: Umm, let me get the phone Vicky.
Vicky: oh ok...just hold on mister DJ sir, Quatre wants to talk to you.
Quatre: Um, hello?
Vicky: We get to go to Boorama Shal! Let’s go get our suits!
Shalon: It's Boorad! Now let’s go pack!! Whoo!


The gang, with the exception of Trowa are having a meeting in the living room.

Quatre: Okay...for those who haven't heard yet, Duo and Vicky somehow managed to win themselves some tickets to the tropical paradise of Boorad. Now Shalon and I have discussed it in great length and we feel that all of us should go along.
Shalon: If only to keep Duo and Vicky in check.
Duo and Vicky: Hey!
Heero: um... Where's Trowa?
Quatre: Well I haven't told him yet. He's still in his room...hasn't left since, well since that last game show. I'll go talk to him. *Quatre leaves*

Quatre lightly knocks on the Trowa's door, then opens it. Trowa is in a corner hugging his knees and rocking back and forth.

Trowa: No more games no more games no more games...
Quatre: How about a holiday?

Trowa immediately stops and looks at Quatre, he gets up and dusts himself off casually...

Trowa: When do we leave.


On the Plane:

Vicky and Duo are sitting together playing Game boy. Trowa is sitting in front of them.

Heero is sleeping next to Trowa. Occasionally Duo and Vicky would kick the seats in front of them.

Duo: AH MAN!! Damnit Harry, can't you run faster? Those stupid scary ass knomes are kicking your ass!!!
Shalon: How does he do it?
Quatre: Hmm?
Shalon: Heero, look at him sleep so soundly even though Duo and Vicky are there being a constant annoyance.
Quatre: Earplugs.
Shalon: But what about the kicking?
Quatre: *shrugs*
Shalon: A bomb can drop beside him and he wouldn't notice.... makes you wonder what would wake him.
Trowa: *smirks then announces* Hey is that Relena Peacecraft over there?

Duo and Vicky instantly stop playing, and Heero bolts wide awake.

Heero: Damn! Shit! Fuck! *looks around frantically for a place to escape the evil pinkness that is Relena, eventually realizing that she is not around.* Not fucking funny. You could have given me a heart attack!
Wufei: *peeks over his seat to look at Heero* Whoa, you are fowl when you wake up you know that?
Heero: *glares*
Quatre: *to Shalon* Quite a potty mouth on that one.
Shalon: *nods*
Duo: STUPID...GOD DAMN! Get away from me you stupid Knomes! My Bertie Botts! MINE MINE!
Shalon: *sigh* And that one.
Trowa: Are we there yet?
Duo: *kicks the seat*
Pilot's Voice: We are now approaching our final descent in to L3's tropical resort of Boorad.
Trowa: Finally!!!


At the Hotel:

Quatre: *pulls Shalon aside* Ok here is the deal I was only able to get two hotel rooms, seeing as Wufei will not share a room with girls or with Duo for that matter you will have to take Duo in with you and Vicky. Is this ok?
Shalon: *groans* I though this was supposed to be a holiday! I'm on Vacation not babysitting duty! Can't we just leave him outside or something? It's nice out.
Quatre: Please? *looks hopeful*
Shalon: *sigh* Okay okay. He can stay. You owe me big time buddy!
Quatre: *sigh of relief* Thanks Shalon, you’re the best. I'll take you out for dinner one night. 'Duo Free' I promise.

Quatre turns to address the group.

Quatre: Okay listen up, here is the plan. We only managed to get two rooms, each with two double beds. So this means we will be sharing. Trowa, Wufei, Heero and my self will take room 312, while Shalon, Vicky, and Duo get to share room 311.
Duo: *links up arms with Shalon and Vicky* Sooo ladies...ready for some Hot Duo Lovein'?
Shalon: *rolls eyes*
Vicky: Eww, NO!
Wufei: *laughs* Maxwell, you’re in that room because you fit in with the girls not because you are some Don Juan!
Duo: Ouch...jealous much Chang? Quatre the key please?

Duo takes the key to the room in his mouth because arms are still linked with Shalon and Vicky.

Duo: *Mumbles* Now if you'll excuse me I’ve got some hot action to attend to...ready girls? *walks off with the girls in tow*
Vicky: Meep!
Heero: Perhaps I should go and make sure he keeps his hands to himself.
Trowa: I don't think you have to worry about the girls.
Quatre: What do you mean?
Trowa: Oh, you'll see.
Duo: *somewhere down the hallway* OUCH!
Shalon: Knock it off Loverboy or I'll hang you from the balcony!
Vicky: We have balconies?


On the Beach:

The blue waves were rolling to and fro on the white sandy beach while the hot rays of the sun beat down on our vacationers.

Vicky throws down her towel. Sitting upon it, she digs out a shovel from her sand bucket and starts to build up sand.

Vicky: Let’s build a sandcastle!
Heero: Seems harmless enough.
Trowa: I'm going to give surfing a go. They say it's a great stress reliever.
Quatre: There’s a Board rental up a head there, I think it's called Hope Abandoned. Apparently it's the only Surf shop on the beach. The receptionist at the hotel said it has pretty reasonable prices.
Trowa: Thanks, Quatre! *takes off in the direction of 'Hope Abandoned*
Vicky: I wonder why it's called Hope Abandoned?
Shalon: Because once they give you a surf board there's no hope left for you. Bloody dangerous sport that surfing is.
Quatre: Maybe we shouldn't let him go surfing then. I should go get him.
Shalon: Relax, Quatre. I was joking. I'm sure he'll be fine.
Quatre: *still looking uncertain* Well...if you're sure.
Shalon: I'm sure. He’ll be okay.
Quatre: Okay then.


Trowa enters a small shop, the walls are lined with surfboards and other various surfing items, there is a girl behind the counter reading a magazine. Trowa clears his throat to get her attention. The girl looks up at him then smiles.

Girl: Hello, welcome to Hope Abandoned, the place for all your surfing needs, what can I do for ya?
Trowa: Um well, I wanted to try my hand at surfing...
Girl: *comes out from behind the counter* Ahh a Newbie...let’s see here...*she examines different boards and then picks one* this one should suit you. Now I need you to fill out some forms.

The girl pulls out a stack of forms. Trowa looks over them and then proceeds to fill some of them out.

Trowa: Ok, I think I got it all...
Girl: *looks over the forms* Trowa eh? Cool name. My name’s Ashley.
Trowa: Nice to meet you.
Ashley: Likewise. Okay, so I just need you to sign here...and here...and here...
Trowa: What is all this for anyway?
Ashley: Well this one says that you are renting a surfboard. This one over here states that we are not responsible for your stupidity; this one is claiming that you will not sue us if you break your neck; this one says that you acknowledge that the waters you surf on do occasionally have Piranhas and some sharks. This one is if you lose a limb it's not our fault. This one requires you to give us your first-born child, and this one says that if you survive the whole ordeal you promise to give the rental girl a kiss.
Trowa: Whoa! That is a lot. Do the waters really have sharks?
Ashley: No, I'm just buggin' ya. You also don't have give me your first born...but the kiss would be nice.
Trowa: *Signs the rest of the papers* Thank you Ashley *then leaves with his surfboard in hand*


Back at sandcastle central:

Between Heero and Vicky the largest most elaborate sandcastle is well on its way to being built. Wufei joins the group wearing a tight red Speedo...

Vicky: Hey...ya know Wufei, this is a family resort and you should really practice modesty.
Wufei: When you have a great body you should have the right to display it.

Duo walks up behind Wufei then snaps his Speedo.

Duo: Great look Wu-Man...You’ll have all the hotties running the other way in no time.
Wufei: Hey! *turns around to glare at Duo* Aren't those your Pajamas?
Duo: *looks at his leopard print shorts* Heh...umm...yeah. They serve a duel purpose.
Shalon: You forgot to pack your swimming trunks didn't you, Duo?
Duo: Yes! Okay..yes. I forgot to pack my swim suit. Lay off! *goes off in a huff and sits down next to Heero*
Heero: *points to Duo's eye* And where did you get that shiner?
Duo: *laughs nervously* Well that’s an interesting story... hehe....
Wufei: *doubles over laughing* He was bested by girls! *wipes a tear away* Real 'Matcho' Maxwell.
Duo: *sinks down and pouts more* Some vacation.
Quatre: *points out towards the sea* Hey check it out. Isn't that Trowa? Wow he's doing great! A real natural.

A giant wave curls over and knocks Trowa off the board.

Duo: Cool wipe out!
Shalon: Oh...too bad. I'll give him an eight on the presentation but a zero for the landing.
Quatre: Do you think he's okay?
Shalon: Yep...there he is getting up to try it again.

Another wave comes by and wipes Trowa out but he gets back up once again.

Shalon: Wow...tenacious isn't he?
All: *nod*
Vicky: Hey Duo wanna help on this castle? If you want to start building a tower over there and if we do this right we should have our own miniature Howarts on the beach.
Duo: Do you think we could go the classes? I want to take Quidditch.

Heero, Vicky, and Duo continue working on the castle. Shalon and Quatre stretch out in the sand to read their respective books, and Wufei lathers himself up with suntan oil.

A few hours go by. The castle is coming along quite well and Trowa is still surfing...sort of.

Vicky: Hey guys, it looks like Trowa is being attacked by a giant Squid.
Shalon: Yea whatever Vicky.
Vicky: No really Shal, check it out.
Duo: *looks to see* Shit! He is...oh man! *yells out the sea* Trowa Buddy, hold on!

A crowd begins to form to view the squid attacking the Surfer. The ASV gang ignores Vicky and Duo, who finally give up trying to get their attention and instead run up to the waters edge.

Vicky: Oh gods, Duo! Do you think he will be ok?
Duo: I don't know. Oh wait...*looks harder at Trowa and the squid* I don't think he is being attacked. *squints to try get a better look* Nope he's not being attacked. He's making friends with the squid!
Vicky *yells* Go Trowa!!!!
Duo: That man can tame any beast! What a cool skill! Do you think he'd teach it to me?
Vicky: Sadly, some powers are just too dangerous in the wrong hands Duo.

Off in the distance a bell rings indicating the communal dinner is beginning to be served.

Vicky and Duo: FOOOD!!
Duo: *yells to Trowa* You're on your own buddy!

Duo and Vicky run off to the dinner area jumping over the ASV gang on the way. Duo accidentally knocks over the sand tower that Heero was working on.

Heero: What the...???!!!?? *growls and looks forlornly at the broken tower. Then in a very un-Heero like gesture, he just shrugs and goes back to rebuilding the broken tower.*


At dinner that evening:

Vicky: Check it out! The food looks ten times better then Duo's cooking!
Shalon: I bet it tastes better too.
Wufei: It’s of the non-burned variety.
Duo: Know what? I'm not even going to argue that.
Quatre: Hey, where's Trowa?
Vicky: The squid got him.
Shalon: Oh, cut it out with the squid business.
Duo: But it did!
Shalon: There are no such things as giant squids.
Vicky: Yes there are...out side!
Quatre: *to Shalon* I think it would be better if we just humor them.
Shalon: *sigh* Okay.
Duo: Okay then if there is no giant squid, where's Trowa?
Wufei: I'm going to take a stab in the dark with this one....Surfing?
Duo: But man...the food? Surfin' may be cool, but god the food Wu-man! THE FOOD!
Quatre: Well not everyone has the same needs Duo.
Duo: Which would explain why poor Trowa is wasting away to nothing.
Vicky: *taking a bite of the supper* Where's Heero?
Shalon: Dunno...still on the beach I would imagine.

Trowa comes in all wet and with a surfboard, takes a bun off of Duo's plate takes a bite and heads back out.

Quatre: *blink blink* Well that was odd.
Shalon: I think the vacation for Trowa is going rather well.
Wufei: Ya think?? That is one changed man.

Vicky finishes up her plate and become restless

Vicky: Where is the dessert? Shal can I have chocolate milk?
Shalon: NO! No sugar! You and Duo are going to be hyper enough tonight.
Vicky: Aww...but but...*pouts* I ate all my vegetables. See see! *shows Shalon her plate*
Wufei: Check under the table.
Duo: *nervously* Oh no need for that....
Shalon: No...I believe Vicky actually ate her vegetables. I think some wires got crossed in there or she was dropped on her head on a child, but she actually LIKES veggies.
Duo: Phew.
Shalon: Now Duo on the other hand hates vegetables.
Vicky: Yeah it's Duo you should be worried about.
Duo: *cough*shut-up*cough*
Shalon: What was that?
Duo: *nervously* Nothing nothing.... Umm Vicky, isn't that Russell Crowe out there?
Vicky: WHERE!!!?? *thinks* Wait a minute…honestly how dense do you think I am? We’re on a vacation island and at the moment, Maximus is filming his new movie back on earth and he will be for another 4 months, 16 days, 2 hours, 58 minutes and 23 seconds. Then he’s freeeeee! And I’ll be waiting.
Shalon: Obsess much?
Duo: Righhhtttt...wait I think Heero is running around naked....
Vicky: REALLY?
Duo: Yep...he uh...he went that a way! Go look...actually I'll go with ya...

Duo and Vicky run off.

Wufei: Pathetic! All that just to get out of eating vegetables.
Shalon: *looks under the table* Whoa! There is a good stash under there. That's impressive.
Wufei: I suppose years of being a pickpocket comes in handy sometimes.
Quatre: Yet another establishment we will not be permitted to enter after tonight. Best enjoy it while you can.


Meanwhile outside:

Vicky: Duo I don't see Heero...
Duo: Look sorry, I just need to get you out of there before you got us in trouble.
Vicky: US? I ate my veggies!
Duo: Yea well...we're a team right?
Vicky: You made me miss the opportunity of dessert and that is punishable by...
Duo: wouldn't do that to lil' ol' me? We are buddies! Partners in crime.
Vicky: You’re on your own buddy. *eyes seeing red*
Duo: Look about some ice cream?
Vicky: *suddenly angelic* Okay!
Duo: Can you spot me a couple bucks? I'm kind of broke.
Vicky: *seeing red again*
Duo: Ahh...never mind. *sees Heero* Hold on.

Heero is still working on his castle as Duo comes barreling in.

Duo: Heeerrrrroooo!!!
Duo: Hey Heero buddy, can I borrow some cash to buy your psycho girlfriend some ice cream?
Heero: hmph
Duo: that a yes?

Heero points to his wallet on the beach towel.

Duo: Thanks man! You're a life saver! I owe you one. *looks in the wallet* Sweet! Can I also borrow another know for later?
Heero: Hn. *goes back to building his sandcastle*
Duo: You’re my hero, Heero. *runs back to Vicky*


Duo and Vicky get their ice cream and sit near the shore. Duo notices a familiar figure in the not so far away distance

Duo: *nudges Vicky* Hey! Isn't that Trowa?
Vicky: mmm? So it is.
Duo: Who is that totally hot babe with him?
Vicky: *shrugs and takes another lick of her ice cream*
Duo: *pulls Vicky up* Come on! Let’s go see what they are doing. *squints into the distance* OH gods! Is he flirting?
Vicky: But I’m not done my ice cream!
Duo: Who cares! This is much more important.

Vicky tries to take another lick of her ice cream but Duo is moving to fast for her to be able to connect her mouth to the cone.

Trowa and his female companion return to surfing before Duo and Vicky can reach them....

Duo: Weird. *turns to Vicky* Okay, we can go back.
Vicky: *looks at the melted mess she is holding that used to be her ice cream cone* Look what you did to my ice cream, Duo!! Get me another one right now...or else.
Duo: Ack...I’m right on that.


Back in the restaurant Quatre is trying to reason with the hostess.

Quatre: I am terribly sorry. I promise it will never happen again.
Hostess: Uh-huh. It had better not. *walks away*
Quatre: Phew...that was a close one.
Shalon: Next time we leave them at home locked in the basement where they can't cause any damage.


Back at the sand castle and Heero:

Vicky has joined Heero in making the sandcastle, content now with her belly full of frozen sugar, while Duo keeps an eye out for lover boy Trowa.

Vicky: *to Duo* Would you just leave the poor boy alone?
Duo: You don't understand, this is TROWA!! He hasn't been with a girl!
Vicky: *under her breath* And you have?
Heero: *keeping attention on the castle* Good one.

Shalon, Quatre, and Wufei join them.

Shalon: What's up?
Duo: *snicker* Possibly Trowa.
Vicky: *rolls eyes*
Quatre: What?
Heero: *still un-phased* Seems Trowa has a girlfriend.
Vicky *adding to Heero's comment* And Duo won't let it go.
Shalon: Trowa? Our Trowa?
Vicky: Seems so.
Heero: Regular Casanova.
Duo: I think he's going to kiss her! Oh wait, wait...false alarm...
Vicky: *smacks Duo*
Quatre: Isn't that the girl who runs Hope Abandoned?
Vicky: Yea I think so.
Wufei: Don't you think it could be possible that she is just helping Trowa out with some pointers. He's never really surfed before today after all.
Duo: No I don't think that is it...oh what is he doing now....? ooo... oh...!
Heero: *looks at Trowa* He's going back into the water to surf it looks like.
Duo: With the girl?
Heero: *shrugs* So, she wants to surf. Big deal.
Wufei: I've got a blindfold and a gag!
Vicky: Gods Wufei PLEASE use it. I'll hold him you gag him!
Wufei: I've wanted to do this for a long time! *rubs hands together*
Duo: Eek!
Quatre: Are you sure that is necessary?
Wufei: Very!
Shalon: I'm not sure I should allow this.
Heero: Would you rather he watch your love life that closely.

Quatre and Shalon look at each other nervously.

Shalon: Good point.
Quatre: Let me help.

*All start to advance on Duo*

Duo: No way! You guys are crazy. Stay away from me! *starts backing up*

DOGPILE!!!!! They all dive after Duo...


...and crash directly into Heero's Hogwarts sandcastle.

Vicky: That was a surprisingly soft landing.
Heero: Well no shit! Look where you landed!
Vicky: Oh.
Shalon: Oops...sorry Heero. It was an accident.
Heero: *seething* Sorry isn't good enough!
Vicky: Oh god here comes the gun...good thing I took the bullets out this morning.
Shalon: Good thinking. But I don't think that's going to stop him for long. Everybody scatter!
Duo: It's every man for himself!

Heero Pulls out his gun. Screams can be heard everywhere.

*click click click*

Vicky: *whispering to Heero* Missing something?
Heero: *growls* I'll be in my room.
Duo: Talk about a prima donna.

The group all walks to the hotel, entering the lobby.

Wufei: Why can't we just have a normal vacation?
Shalon: With us, no such thing exists.
Quatre: Just like we can't play a normal board game, or make a normal trip to Ikea, or be part of a game show...

*Security shows up*

Security: Are you responsible for a Heero Yuy?
Shalon: Depends...why?
Vicky: It just isn't an ASV outing with out security. *looks at security guard* Can I have your autograph to add to my keepsake collection of places I’ve been and the security I’ve met?
Security: *looks baffled* What?
Shalon: *yanks Vicky away and covers her mouth with her hand* Heh heh...don’t mind her. She’s a little on the loopy side and we haven’t given her medication today. Uh, what was this about a Yeero Huy?
Security: Heero Yuy.
Shalon: Yes that’s it, Heero Yuy!
Security: He is being charged with public possession of an unregistered weapon. He’s to be placed under arrest immediately.
Shalon: Then nope, we aren't responsible for him. Sorry we can't help. Good luck finding the perp. Imagine...bring a weapon to a vacation island!
Security: *looks suspicious* Are you sure?
Shalon: Yep! C'mon guys, lets get out of here. See the sights, enjoy the sun. Bye! *tries to shove everyone out of the hotel*
Quatre: Shalon! Uh sorry sir he is part of the Preventers of the Sanq Kingdom and he does have permit for the weapon, just well...just not here. Perhaps we can talk about it? *Quatre pulls out a fifty-dollar note*
Vicky: DUO! Have you been teaching Quatre how to bribe?
Wufei: Relax woman I'm sure it's the bail money.
Shalon: *mutters under her breath* Damn Winner and his honesty!
Security: You will need more then a Fifty to bail your friend.
Duo: That's ludicrous. The going rate on the streets is fifty!
Security: *eyes Duo* You look vaguely familiar.
Duo: Who?
Shalon: Don't tell me you’re wanted here too?
Duo: Umm....
Quatre: *trying to change the subject* I believe we were talking about Heero Yuy Officer.
Vicky: Can I see him? I always wanted to have the chance to visit Heero in prison.
Shalon: *rolls eyes* He hasn't arrested Heero yet, Vicky!
Wufei: That's what the bribe is for remember?
Vicky: Oh yeah. *thinks* He's up his room, officer, if you would like to arrest him. *giggles* I want to visit him in prison and bring him a cake with a file baked in.
Duo: *nudges Vicky* It's not like in the movies Vicster. They don't got the conjugal visits here.
Vicky: You sicko! I just want to bake the cake! Totally innocent!
Shalon: *snorts* Innocent...suuuure.
Security: Listen, a permit must be presented to me with in the next 24 hours or your pal is being put in the slammer, got it?
Quatre: Understood.

The security man leaves.

Shalon: Where you going to get the permit?
Quatre: I'm going to have to fax Relena and get her to send it I guess.
Wufei: You’re going to give our current location to that witch?
Quatre: It's that or Heero's in jail.
Wufei: *sigh* So much for our vacation.
Shalon: What vacation? Next time I go alone! I need a vacation from my vacation!

Trowa comes up to their side with a surfboard in his hands

Trowa: What’s up?
Quatre: Umm nothing...go back to surfing.

Trowa shrugs and returns to the water.

Vicky: Can we still bake a cake?
Duo: So what if we give our current location to Relena? We're not here for much longer anyway, are we? We get that permit save Heero and then jet out of here before the stalker can find us.
Quatre: All right, I'll take care of this. Duo, Vicky, you go make sure Heero stays in the hotel room.
Shalon: *nudges Quatre* Are you sure that is wise.
Quatre: They will stay out of trouble that way...well I hope they will.
Quatre: *to Wufei* can continue to sunbath if you wish.
Wufei: Good ‘cause if you think that I'm going to bail Yuy out of his mess you’ve got another thing coming. *takes off*
Quatre: *sigh*
Shalon: Well, we almost lasted a day.
Quatre: Yeah. Well, let’s go get this over with.


Back with Trowa:

Trowa: This is the best vacation ever!

*A giant wave comes along and pulls Trowa along before it wipes him out*

Trowa: *surfaces* What a rush!
Ashley: You're a natural!


A couple of hours later:

Quatre: Ok I’ve got the permit, thankfully I only had to talk to Noin so Relena doesn't know anything. But I don't think it will be long before she somehow gets her nose into things and finds out.
Shalon: That girl has a spy network a mile wide!
Quatre: *nods* I don't know how Heero can deal with it.
Shalon: Aww, common admit it! He likes the attention.
Quatre: *thoughtfully* Maybe I should bribe the spy network...
Shalon: *shakes head* Duo's a bad influence on you.


Back in the hotel room Duo and Vicky have Heero bound and gagged.

Duo: Are you sure this is necessary?
Vicky: Hey he's a wanted man, one can't be to careful.

*Wufei walks in stiffly*

Duo: Wu-Man! You’re all red!
Wufei: Shut up!
Vicky: What happened? *walks up to Wufei and pokes him* It's a SUNBURN!
Wufei: Ouch! No kidding!
Vicky: *pokes Wufei some more* Does this hurt? Or this? How about here?
Wufei: Hey! *bats Vicky’s hand away* Stop that!

*Quatre and Shalon enter*

Quatre: Ok I got the....*see's Heero* What’s going on?
Duo: *points at Vicky* It was her idea!
Quatre: *baffled* Heero let you do that to him?
Vicky: Not exactly....
Duo: There was a bit of a struggle. He wasn't we phoned down to the lobby and asked for some sedatives.
Shalon: And they GAVE them to you?
Vicky: Yeah, why? Was that wrong?
Duo: All we did was mention Quatre's name and they were very helpful. Said they'd get us whatever we wanted.
Vicky: We also found some wine in the little fridge and thought that would help so we gave Heero some.
Quatre: *picks up an empty bottle* You gave him the whole thing!?
Vicky: *looks at Quatre innocently* That’s all right...right?
Duo: It seemed to be enough. Should we have used more?
Vicky: *proud* We kept him here like you told us to, Quatre.
Shalon: *groan* So, how is he now?

*All go over and surround the bed to see a tied up, glassy eyed, drooling Heero Yuy*

Quatre: *Takes the gag out of Heero's mouth. Heero hic-ups* You'd think that with all the muscle that he'd handle alcohol better.
Shalon: I think it's the reaction of alcohol with the sedatives.
Wufei: Should we be taking him to the hospital?
Shalon: Do they have one on the island?
Quatre: They should. Let me call the front desk they would know.
Vicky: *wails* OMG WE KILLED HIM!!!

*Vicky and Duo cling to each other*

Shalon: Wait! *pokes Heero* He moved a bit.
Heero: *hic* *mumble* o'k'ros'u *passes out*
Wufei: God's you'd think that Peacecraft woman were here.
Shalon: I think he'll be fine. Just let him sleep it off.
Quatre: Someone should stay with him in case he needs help.

*Vicky runs and clings to Heero*

Vicky: I promise to take good care of him...this time.
Shalon: Great! Then you can clean up after him too. I'd have a bucket handy if I were you.
Vicky: Why?
Shalon: Just trust me. You're gonna need one.

Vicky: *Innocently* Okay.

Duo: I think I have caused enough damage here. I’d best be going. *tries to leave*
Shalon: *Catches Duo by the braid* Oh no you don't.
Wufei: *Throws the bucket at Duo and grins maliciously* You get to hold the pail my friend.
Duo: NOOOO!!!!
Shalon: Come on Quatre lets go give that permit to security. Things should be okay here for now.
Quatre: Good idea! I think Wufei has everything under control.
Wufei: Yep I....wait a minute! I don't want to stay here! NO!
Shalon: You're doing a great job Wufei, Thanks!
Wufei: Now just wait one minute....
Quatre: See ya. *leaves with Shalon*

Shalon and Quatre leave just as Trowa walks in all wet.

Trowa: Whoa! Wufei, you’ve got to try surfing! It's the best.
Wufei: I'll keep that in mind. Perhaps I’ll give it a try when I'm not babysitting.
Trowa: *eyes Wufei* On the other hand, it looks like you've had enough sun already!
Duo: *still holding the bucket* Yeah...just call him lobster boy.
Wufei: Who are you calling a lobster, Bucket boy!
Trowa: What’s with the bucket Duo?
Duo: Vomit duty.
Vicky: Vomit? The bucket is for vomit! Ewwewewew!!!
Trowa: Well I'm off to catch some more waves.
Wufei: Enjoy them while you can. We leave tomorrow.
Trowa: Tomorrow? I thought we were here for a week?
Wufei: Blame our gun happy friend.
Trowa: *Grabs his towel and walks out* Can't we just have a normal outing for once?


At the security desk:

Quatre: Thanks you sir, it won't happen again.

*Shalon and Quatre walk back towards their rooms when something catches Shalon’s eye outside of the window*

Shalon: Is that Trowa and that girl?
Quatre: *looks harder* I think it is.
Shalon: I think Duo may actually be right this time around.
Quatre: It's getting late we should head back and get make sure everyone gets some sleep.
Shalon: Good idea. I could do with some shut eye

Quatre and Shalon return to the room.

Quatre: How's Heero doing?
Vicky: Okay I think, he's been sleeping for the most part.
Shalon: That's not too surprising.
Quatre: Good good. We should all get some sleep.
Vicky: I think Wufei and Duo beat you to that one.

On the other bed both Duo and Wufei are asleep.

Shalon:'s a Kodak moment. Where's the camera? Quick, quick!
Quatre: Duo and Wufei sharing a bed!? How'd that happen?

Vicky shrugs.

Shalon takes a picture, the slash...err...flash causes Duo to shift.

Quatre: Well, good night.


The next morning:

Bags are all packed; Heero is still a little woozy and leaning on Duo for support; Wufei is suffering greatly with his sunburn; and Trowa is nowhere to be found.

Quatre: I think we got everything. Ok let’s go.

They all file out of the room, everyone is a little irritable and very tired.

Wufei: Where's Barton?
Quatre: He said he'd meet us in the lobby.
Shalon: Let’s not forget him this time. We don't want a complete and total repeat of Ikea again.
Duo: Heh...that would suck.
Shalon: *glares*


Back with Trowa and Ashley in the lobby:

Ashley: Ya know you were really great with the board. You sure you’ve never surfed before?
Trowa: Never in my life.
Ashley: Could have fooled me.
Trowa: I just had a really good teacher.
Ashley: I'm just glad I could help out. It's been fun. Do you think you'll ever come back to Boorad?

*All the rest of the ASV gang come thumping down the stairs in an arguing, pushing and yelling mass.*

Trowa: *looks over, then sighs* Not likely. I'm sure we've been banned for life.
Duo: Trowa man! You all set?
Vicky: *Elbows Duo*
Duo: Owie! Hey watch it! I'm helping the invalid here!
Vicky: Would you just shut up you’re ruining the moment! *shouts to Trowa* Don't mind us...please continue.
Ashley: *laughs*
Trowa: *turns back to Ashley* I'd better go. Hey thanks for getting me through the past day.
Ashley: No problem. It was part of the contract. *gives him a wink*

Trowa smiles, then gently puts his arm around Ashley pulling her closer then bending down to give her a kiss. The rest of the ASV gang stop dead in their tracks, all chatter between them stop as they stare in shock at their shy friend's actions. Trowa breaks the kiss and Ashley blushes.

Ashley: What was that for?
Trowa: *smiles* Part of the contract.

Trowa leaves Ashley's side and heads towards his gawking friends.

Trowa: What? As if you’ve never seen a guy kiss a girl before.
Wufei: I’ve just never seen this guy kiss a girl before.
Trowa: Come on...let’s go home.

*The group heads towards the door and the waiting cab*

Trowa: So...when's our next vacation?


Episode 12: Celebration! Shalon's Big News!


Vicky: *pouts* It's not fair that only Trowa had a nice vacation.
Shalon: had a good time. You got ice cream, remember?
Vicky: Oh yeah! And vegetables!
Shalon: You are a mutant. Only mutants would put ice cream and vegetables in the same category.
Vicky: Yummy! I want ice cream! Can we all go for ice cream?
Shalon: NO! I think we've all had enough excitement for now. We'll have to wait and see what happens in the next episode....



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