Research at Gunung Palung / Penelitian

Seedling size structure of 3 common liana species Alwan
Density dependent population regulation of Shorea quadrinervis Art Blundell
Population structure of Bornean ironwood Setia Budhi
Secondary effects of illegal logging in alluvial and peat swamp forest Setia Budhi
Variation in tree species composition across habitats Chuck Cannon, Mark Leighton
Dipterocarp population ecology and reproductive biology Lisa Curran
Proyek Hutan Kemasyarakatan Gunung Palung (Community Forestry Project) Numerous People
Orangutan Reproductive, Behavioral and Socio-ecology Cheryl Knott and Betsy Yaap, Andrea Johnson
Seed dispersal and regeneration in Ficus section Urostigma Tim Laman
Forest phenology and vertebrate-plant interactions Mark Leighton
General seedling dynamics Mark Leighton
Seedling dynamics and tree species diversity Cam Webb