Tagitagi Sikh Temple
Tagitagi Ba Fiji, Fiji. Phone: (679) 670425

Gurdwara Lautoka
PO Box 50, Lautoka, Lautoka Nadi, Fiji. Phone (679)660685
Samabula Sikh Temple
Ratu Mara Rd, Samabula Suva Fiji. Phone:  (679) 381014
The Sikh Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee
PO Box 4159, Samabula, Suva, Fiji
Lautoka Sikh Temple
Vitogo Parade, Lautoka Lautoka Fiji. Phone: (679) 660685
Tagitagi Sikh Temple
Tagitagi Ba Fiji, Phone:  (679) 670425

The British Empire changed the lives of many Sikhs now located around the world.
The British Empire caused many Punjabis to serve in British colonies and dominions around the world during the First and Second World Wars. They served as soldiers in the British Army, colonial police forces or other disciplined services.  Sikhs were preferred for these duties largely due to their tall build, strength and loyalty. Many Sikhs continued to settle in those former colonies after the war and integrated successfully into different communities.
Sikhs are known to be warm and friendly to people of all creeds & races. 
Distinctive Punjabis wear their turban with pride, and look upon it as a mark of their glorious tradition and are known for its heritage of courage and chivalry stretching back over three centuries. With the large population of Sikhs located in countries around the world, they are truly world citizens.  Sikhs normally adopt simple yet colorful lifestyles. Punjabis steer clear of the money grabbing and materially obsessed lifestyles which many people are suffocating themselves with these days, therefore, most Sikhs can enjoy life like others did in the good old days. 
Most of them respectable, dignified and extended family ties.
Sikhs are famous for being traditional yet progressive. Sikh professionals can be found in different countries working as doctors, lawyers, engineers, sportsmen, farmers, administrators, bankers, businessmen etc. Traditionally Sikhs are service orientated, kind, hardworking, least corruptible,  reliable, progressive and trustworthy. 

The history of Indians in Fiji can be traced back to the Fiji Deed of Cession 1874.
Unlike other colonies Fiji's cessation to Britain was voluntary and Britain accepted on
the condition that Fiji governed itself and financed itself.  This caused the Governor Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon 1875-1882 to devise ways to make money to finance Fiji. The only viable income was from sugar plantations, but to avoid upsetting the locals, the British did not require them to work at the sugar plantations. 
The British authorities had to consider the alternative of imported workers to Fiji.
In 1876 the British Colonial Office arranged for Indian immigration to Fiji and the first Indian landed in 1879.  The Steamer Leonidas arrived in Fiji in 1879 with
about 460 Indian immigrants on board.
People of Indian descent have since setted in Fiji for the past 123 years
and in year 2000 they constitute close to 350,000 people.

Most Punjabis arrived in Fiji during early 1900's.
In Fiji however, the earliest Indians were brought over to the Fiji  islands in 1879 not by English people.  They were brought to the Fiji Islands by the British Raj in India under 5 year term agreements, but when they arrived in Fiji they were forced to work   labouriously for the Europeans. 
1900- 1930 Sikhs from Punjab came to Fiji Islands.
The Punjabis have established themselves  irreversibly, firmly and successfully in Fiji.
The colorful and and distinctive culture of the Punjabis have indeed contributed to the  variety and attractiveness of Fiji. 
There are Gurdawaras located in different parts of Fiji. All are welcome.
The Lautoka Gurdwara was founded in 1933 by Sikhs originating mostly from Jullundur and Hoshiarpur.

Amarjeet's Story - January 2004:
My father was from Hoshiarpur and 16 at that time.
My father-in-law was born on the ship in the sea near Sri lanka and it took
about 3 month from Calcutta India to Fiji. The Sikhs worked very hard. 
They owned land in Fiji with hard earned money, plus back home in Punjab I remember when my dad used to send money to his family.  I still have the receipt as a proof that my parents went back to our pind after 55 years.
Sikhs in Fiji founded the Khalsa Primary Scbool and Khalsa College.
Sikhs are today in the Fiji parliament and own big businesses.
The main Sikh temples in Fiji are: - Tagi tagi Sikh Temple, Suva Samabula Sikh Temple, Lautoka Sikh Temple , Labasa Sikh Temple.
Above is the photo of Tagi Tagi Temple.


SadaPunjab - Excellently written & orgainsed. VVery informatiive - Jaswinder Bajwa



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Launched January Jan-2004 - Updated: January 2004