Tom Erhart may not have been my best friend or even close to me as he was to some of my own close friends, but i was a little friends with him. the past few days i have seen how this horrible tragedy somewhat brought the herrick high school population together. its just a shame that it took something like this to make that finally happen. Tom was such a great person inside and out. he was one of those guys that will be somebody in life not just a someone!!! he touched every persons heart whether he knew it or not. the past few days i have shed so many tears that i feel that i have no more tears to shed. but mrs.oleary helped me to realize thats not true anymore. i will always remember the few times i hung out with him and laughed about the silly things, especially when he was gonna tell a person i liked that i like him. but he wouldn't do that b/c he's TC, a respectable kind of guy. everyone be strong! i am trying to hold myself together and i hope that even those of u i don't know that u can help me so i can help u. those of u who need to talk to someone u are more then welcome to emial me and i will gladly give u my number. sometimes its weird- u are in the same grade as someone and ready to graduate with them and then the next day they aren't there. May Tom rest in peace and live in a happier place in heaven with his father! Tom will always remain part of the class of 2001. everything is deticated to u hun. we love u!!!

Love Always,
Jenn Biegel (class of 2001)