Dear everyone,

Today was really hard. In one hand it was great to see how many people cared, but on the other, so hard. People who knew him loved him for his sarcasm and always expected witty comments. From playing sports with him I realized just the Kind of person he was. My friend Bryan that also new Tom said it best. God takes the "bad" people because they are not good enough for the earth, however he also takes the good because they are too good for the earth. We all know what category TC was in and now all we can do is pray for his family to be strong. He will always be remembered by many. No matter what form they saw him . "The tall white boy" or as I called him while we would play basket ball "The short kid on skinny white stilts" All those names out of love and respect. And for all those having trouble moving on as we all will, just close your eyes and you will see him standing there in his fisherman hat smiling at you. Please send this to anyone who didnt get it that would care enough.

Love always

Justin (shaky pants) Damers