It started last year on basketball, when he hung around just because he liked one of the girls on our team. however..he soon was branded our "manager" and became a great friend. He was always there with his witty comments, smiles, and was always there to cheer people up.
I remember one time I sprained my ankle..he was there on the bench just sitting there with me and joking around to keep my mind off my foot. He was the sweetest guy ever, in the fact that he thought about everyone else, and really never himself. He was a selfless guy who would hang around at school to 7 or 8 just to watch the girls finish our basketball games. I remember I always took his fisherman's hat just to spite him, and he never got mad. all he did was chase me around cuz his hair was screwed up.

When he started going out w/Lisa, I saw those two together very often. I still remember his bright red st. john's hat which everyone could see from down the hall cuz he was so tall. i also remembered that he was friends with a senior that I liked, and he would always mention the senior's name when I passed cuz i asked Tom to talk to him for me. Everytime I talked to Lisa, she described him as the "tall skinny Irish boy." I think that Tommy was the best guy in the whole world because of his sense of humor, his attitude towards life, and his selfless acts which made people smile.

I think that this whole experience showed me how short life is really is. Tommy never deserved to die Young, and it was a complete dose of reality for me. It was just friday that I was talking wtih him after school. I never expected that he wouldn't be there on Monday morning. And even after the accident, I was more along with my thought of "tommy's gonna pull through. This stuff when they die are only in the movies and television." How wrong I was. I never expected for someone so bubbly and fun to be here one day and gone the next. TC~ I hope to see ya up there man. Be there to always make me smile. I Love you!

Melody DAi