Tom was the kind of person that evryone wanted to be 'round, just because he was such a cool kid to hang out with...i went to school with from kinder. to 2nd grade and then we stopped talkin bc i left ND..but a couiple of yrs later I saw him and we started talkin again and we hung out couple of times when we both had the chance..I see that some of you were REALLY good friends with him and others saw him as just another kid and then there were his friends like the middle...

today I drove by the spot and i had to stop the car bc i just broke down...i couldn't believe he was gone...i started to's so hard to think about someone you're own age -- being GonE..."why the good, they gotta die so0o0o young?" but you gotta stay strong that's what i tell myself...

he's in heaven with his father now..this is my heart right here...i'm here with y'all....i loved him..he was a good one...and sometimes i wonder if there is a god, why do you take the wrong ones?..i wonder that now all the time..
thanx..for everything Tom aka TC aka Tece (and your many other inside names)and thank you for reading my heart..

----Nick Yannaco