September 07, 2003

What a week! It's been stressful, but I've made through it. Tomorrow some youth members and I will be visiting some youth groups tomorrow. I'll be looking forward for it, but we're leaving in a few hours and I'm not even asleep yet. Oh wells. I'm glad that I don't work on weekends anymore, I actually have time to get things done and have free time to go do whatever. It hasn't felt this good for the past 2 years. Getting promoted feels great, but I also work with a bunch or whiners. All I ever hear is whine, whine, and did I mention more whining? It's like "Dude, I've got issuses too you know?" Some girls and I went to go watch a movie at a $1 movie theatre in handford, and the movie sucked, so with the theatre itself. I seemed creepy there.